Daniel Walter

Daniel Walter (1783-1866) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He served as deacon for the church meeting at Pell Green, Wadhurst.

  • Daniel Walter

    The Life And Ministry Of Daniel Walter

    I have to inform you of the death of my father, who fell asleep in Jesus, May 30th, in his 83rd year, after having been laid one year and nine months upon his bed. It pleased the Lord to give him a strength enough to go and hear you [Joseph Philpot] for the last time in Gower Street, in 1864, when the Lord was pleased to bless the word to his soul's comfort, as he had done many times before; and I hope I shall never forget the next Tuesday morning after he got home. When he got up, his face quite shone, and he said, “O, I have had such a blessed time of refreshing with the Lord this morning; I long to go…