Daniel Allen
Daniel Allen (1824-1892) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.
The Life And Ministry Of Daniel Allen
Our departed brother Daniel Allen, of blessed memory, many years the beloved pastor of the Particular Baptist Church, A, Sydney, and whose death we recorded in our last issue, was born of humble parents in the parish of Wilbey, Suffolk, in the year 1824. About the year 1843 he left his native place for the colonies of Australia, and after arriving at Tasmania he removed in the course of a few years to Victoria, and rendered good service as a missionary in the goldfields. Subsequently, he was appointed to the charge of one of the Baptist Churches, and with the exception of a year spent in Launceston, continued as pastor of the Melbourne Church till 1870, when he settled at Sydney, and became the pastor…