Charles Suggate

Charles Suggate (1834-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. Beginning in 1888, he entered upon an itinerate ministry preaching the gospel in nearly all the Strict Baptist Chapels in Suffolk, several in Norfolk and other counties, as well as in London.

  • Charles Suggate

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Suggate

    Our brother, Mr. Charles Suggate, was born at Brampton, Suffolk, on March 12th, 1834. His parents were poor, but, though not spiritual, highly moral and respectable. They were attendants at the parish Church, the only place of worship in the village, and endeavoured to bring up their children according to the best of their light and knowledge. His mother had indeed been in far better circumstances, coming of a family of the name of Rand, of some note in Hadleigh for generations past. Her father, a farmer of good position, removed into the neighbourhood of Brampton, where financial misfortune overtook him, and his daughter had to leave a boarding school to take a situation as a servant. Although brought up in comparative affluence she cheerfully…