Charles Masterson

Charles Masterson (1846-1893) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1866, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Hoxne, Suffolk, a position he filled for five years. In 1871, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Little Alie-street, London, a position he held for eleven years and a half. In 1883, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting in Brighton.

  • Charles Masterson

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Masterson

    It is with a feeling of pain that those words, "the late," are penned. It is, alas! too true. Charles Masterson is no more. Stay! that is not exactly correct. Charles Masterson is alive for evermore. The goodly tabernacle has been suddenly shaken down, but its fall has not ruined its late resident. Absent from the body, he is present with the Lord. Our beloved brother began his natural life in the parish of Laxfield Suffolk, in the year 1846. He was, therefore, still in the prime of life when stricken with his last illness, being only forty-seven when the Master called him home. The Lord had need of him. How many of God's ministering servants have need to bless Him for godly parents. The…