Charles Gordelier

Charles Gordelier (1813-1892) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. Throughout the course of his gospel labour, he spoke in 257 places, preached in 33 counties, travelled more than 120,000 miles and visited 335 towns and villages.

  • Charles Gordelier

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Gordelier

    My father, the late Charles Gordelier, was born on the 14th April, 1813, in Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate. His father was a deacon of the French Protestant Church in Spitalfields. My father left school at the age of twelve years, his education therefore was very limited. In the year 1828, my grandfather took part of a house with Mr. John Bowers, whose daughter Elizabeth he afterwards married, on the 24th April, 1834. Two daughters by his first marriage are still living; the eldest has been house-keeper for twenty years, at 48, Market-place, Leicester (the late Mr. John Orton's), and the second is married to Captain J. W. Gifford, and resides in Rhodes Island, United States. My father’s first wife died very suddenly while singing a hymn,…