Benjamin Ramsbottom

Benjamin Ramsbottom (1929-2023) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1967, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Bethel Strict Baptist Church, Luton, Bedfordshire, a position he held for fifty-five years.

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    “Seek Ye Me, and Ye shall Live”

    There are many passages in the Word of God concerning the privilege of seeking the Lord. No doubt you can think of many, many such passages. “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” That is one. “It is time to seek the Lord.” That is another. “I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye Me in vain.” And then there is the well-known passage I read to you this evening in Luke chapter 11 (1-13): “Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” I am sure all of us are very familiar with these well-known parts of Scripture. But beloved friends, this in the Book of Amos is…

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    “Even unto Bethlehem”

    This was the most amazing happening since the creation of the world. None can really understand it. “Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh” – that He who from everlasting was equal with His Father, true almighty God, should veil His glory, come to this dark, sinful world, be born of a virgin, a human mother, a real birth, a true humanity, no earthly father. We cannot understand it, but we bow and we worship and adore. What does it all mean? What was the purpose of it? “When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law.” The…

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    David And Goliath

    Sometimes we wake up in the morning. We have not the slightest idea what may take place during the day. I am sure all of you have had that experience. Sometimes you have woken up happily – everything seems to be going right – and then there is some news, or there is a tragedy, or there is a bereavement, or there is an affliction. Then sometimes it is completely the other way round. You perhaps wake up. You think the day is going to go on as every other day, and you get a phone call, or a letter, or an invitation, perhaps a very pleasant one, and your life is never the same again. Now beloved friends, that is exactly what it was…

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    Keeping Our Own Vineyards

    Many years ago when I lived in Haslingden, late one evening there was a knock at the door, and when I opened it a lady was standing there. I do not think I had ever met her before, but I knew of her. She was a very nice, very refined person. I had heard that this lady had recently joined a most exclusive denomination of Christians. So I asked her in and asked her what she wanted. She said she was in trouble. I said, “How can I help you?” She said that in the church she had joined – I was not sure whether it was just a new member or whether it was all the members, but they had been given a piece…

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    The Dying Thief

    Was there ever such a display of the riches of sovereign grace! Nothing but grace reigns here! Man’s merit has no part. Just consider the character of the dying thief. He is described as a malefactor, an evil doer. Whenever I have mentioned the dying thief over the years, and we have had visitors from Holland, they have always been surprised, because they say that the Dutch version speaks of him as the murderer, the dying murderer. He had nothing, not one claim upon the justice of God or the mercy of God. If you look in one of the other gospels, we are told that both the thieves reviled the dying Saviour, casting scorn upon Him, saying, “If Thou be the Son of God,…

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    Peace, Be Still

    These wonderful miracles of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ clearly display His eternal power and Godhead. They bear witness to who He is. But when we read them, we always need to remember that foun- dation truth: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” – His power the same, His love and mercy the same, His compassion the same. Mind you, it is very evident that we do not witness these remarkable outward miracles the same today, and of course there is a reason for that. In the Word of God you do not just have miracles taking place haphazardly. They are for a purpose. And you do not get miracles all the way through the Bible. You read the…