Bartholomew The Apostle

Bartholomew The Apostle (?-70AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was appointed by Christ to serve as an Apostle. After Christ’s ascension, he preached the gospel and organized churches in such places as Lycaonia, Syria, Asia, India and Great Armenia.

  • Bartholomew The Apostle,  Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    38. The Apostle Bartholomew

    Bartholomew, The Holy Apostle Of Christ, First Greatly Tortured, Then Flayed Alive, And Finally Beheaded, In Armenia, By King Astyages, About A.D. 70. Bartholomew, which signifies, the son of Tholomaeus, was a Galilean, like all the other apostles; and also a fisherman, according to the opinion of Theodoretus; some, however, hold, that he was of royal descent, and the nephew of the king of Syria. Little is said of him in Holy Scriptures aside from what relates to his call to the apostleship to preach the Gospel with the others throughout Judea and Galilee, to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. After Christ's resurrection he was confirmed in his apostleship, and, with the others who were in like ministry, received the gift of…