Barnabas The Evangelist

Barnabas The Evangelist (?-64AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. Such was his reputation as an encourager and comforter of the brethren, he earned the endearing epithet “the son of consolation”. He it was who introduced Paul to the Apostles and accompanied him during his first evangelistic campaign.

  • Barnabas The Evangelist,  Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    26. Barnabas, Companion of Paul

    Barnabas burned at Salamanca on Cyprus, A.D. 64 Barnabas, a Companion of the Apostle Paul, Dragged out of the City and Burned, at Salamina in Cyprus, A.D. 64. Barnabas, also called Barsabas, and surnamed Joseph, Joses, or Justus, was a Levite from Cyprus, full of the Holy Ghost. He was called the son of consolation, and such a one he indeed proved himself to the poor saints. Acts 11:24; 1:23; 4:36; Euseb. hist. Eccl. lib. 2. cap. 1. It is maintained that he was one of the seventy disciples of Christ, and from the multiplicity of his names we can see his renown and eminence; which latter he gained by his zeal and piety; for he brought Paul, after his conversion, to the apostles; and…