B. Tatham

B. Tatham (1822-1866) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting at Eastbourne, East Sussex.

  • B. Tatham

    The Life And Death Of B. Tatham

    We have received a few particulars of his illness, gifts, &c.; but the account says not a word of his experience, either as living or dying. "We extract the following: "He was in his usual health excepting as light cold until Tuesday evening, the 27th of March, when he complained of a pain in his chest. He had recourse to brandy and water, which seemed for a time to relieve him, but the pain soon returned with greater violence; the same means, with the addition of putting his feet in mustard and water, were again used, but without effect. Mrs. Tatham, becoming alarmed, sent for their medical attendant, who arrived quickly, but did not seem to think seriously of the case. He went to prepare…