Articles Of Faith

The Articles of Faith for the Strict and Particular Baptists (SPB’s) of the 17th to 21st centuries may be arranged under four headings: (1) Church Confessions; (2) Associational Confessions; (3) Societal Confessions; (4) Personal Confessions. Each group drew up its own statement of faith. The 1644 and 1689 Confessions do not fit into these categories, as they were designed to secure religious liberty from those outside their camp, rather than serve as a cornerstone for denominational orthodoxy and congregational unity. The SPB’s were also refining their teachings during the earlier centuries, sharpening their views of sovereign grace and formulating more consistent views on the church. These developments, therefore, reduced the relevancy of the 1644 and 1689 Confessions rendering them obsolete.


  • Associational Confessions,  Church Confessions,  Societal Confessions

    The Gospel Standard Articles Of Faith

    Preface I was the pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church (Bethesda Chapel, Kensington) in London, England, for twenty years. The church was organized in 1866, with a number of prominent Strict Baptist preachers presiding over the meeting, such as John Hazelton of Mount Zion Chapel, Chadwell Street. As with many Strict Baptist churches of the mid-twentieth century, the Bethesda congregation decreased in number and her teachings merged with those of Low and Moderate-Calvinism. It was into that context I was appointed the pastor in 1999. For the first eleven years of ministry, I assumed the Low and Moderate Calvinist view of the gospel was that around which the church had been organized. However, as I explored the history of the church, and indeed,…

  • Church Confessions

    The Goat Yard Declaration of Faith (1729)

    A Declaration of the Faith and Practice of the Church of Christ at Horsely-down, under the Pastoral Care of Mr. John Gill, &c. Having been enabled, through divine grace, to give up ourselves to the Lord, and likewise to one another by the will of God; we account it a duty incumbent upon us to make a declaration of our faith and practice, to the honour of Christ, and the glory of his name; knowing, that as with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, so with the mouth confession is made unto salvation--our declaration is as follows: 1. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice. 2. We believe…

  • Church Confessions

    Waddesdon Hill Chapel

    Many of the members in succeeding generations were relatives of the first congregation and were buried on the chapel grounds. Pastor Kevin Price, of Zoar Particular Baptist Chapel, Bradford, prizes the distinct values embraced by historic Strict/Particular Baptist churches. For the last several years, he has arranged annual services at Waddesdon Chapel for the purpose of commemorating the Strict Baptist witness. The following photos were taken during several different commemorative meetings. From the balcony, during the service. From behind the pulpit, before the service. The baptistry is under the floor in front of the pulpit. ----------------------------------- The church of Christ meeting for divine worship at Waddesdon Hill, Buckinghamshire, subscribed to the following “Articles of Faith and Rules”.[1] Articles of Faith We believe in the unity…