Ann Wiltshire

Ann Wiltshire (1794-1868) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. She was a member of the church pastored by William Tiptaft and served as his housekeeper for upwards of thirty years.

  • Ann Wiltshire

    The Life And Testimony Of Ann Wiltshire

    She was housekeeper to the late Mr. Tiptaft for upwards of thirty years. When Mr. Tiptaft preached his well-known sermon in St. Helen's church, Abingdon, she and her husband left the Church of England. On coming to Abingdon to reside, Mr. Tiptaft took apartments in their house. Mrs. W. sat under his ministry upwards of ten years, without the word taking any effect upon her mind. But when Mr. T. formed his church, and himself and many of the friends were so particularly blessed at the first baptizing, it had such an effect upon her that she became quite a changed woman, and deeply concerned about her soul.