Ann Bell

Ann Bell (1816-1868) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. Early in her walk with the Lord, she was richly blessed under the gospel ministries of men such as William Gadsby. However, she lived under the burden of many hardships and sorrows. After losing her hearing, she lost her first child (aged of five) and her second (aged of twelve). Although the grief contributed to her early departure from this world, she bid farewell rejoicing in the God of her salvation.

  • Ann Bell

    The Life And Testimony Of Ann Bell

    Mrs. Bell was much impressed with the value of the soul, and the importance of religion at an early age. She could say she never hated God's people, but felt towards them a mixture of veneration and admiration, which in after years ripened into the warmest love. She was very gradually taught her lost and helpless state as a sinner, and as light increased, her efforts to work out a righteousness to please the Lord were changed into prayers that she might know him; and, through the power of grace, she was enabled to follow on, until he manifested himself to her. One of our friends well remembers the earnestness with which she expressed this reigning desire of her soul, to know the Lord as…