Andrew The Apostle

Andrew The Apostle (?-70AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was appointed by Christ to serve as an Apostle. After Christ’s ascension, he traveled north from Jerusalem, preaching the gospel and organizing churches in such places as Pontus, Galatia, Bethynia, Antropophages, Scythia, Byzantium, Thracia, Macedonia, Thessalia, and Achaia.

  • Andrew The Apostle,  Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    37. The Apostle Andrew

    The Apostle Andrew Crucified at Patros in Achaia, around the year 70 Andrew, The Holy Apostle, Crucified At Patras, In Achaia, About A.D. 70 Andrew, the son of Jona, and brother of Peter, was a native of Bethsaida in Galilee. He was first a disciple of John the Baptist, and since he was older than Peter, and knew Christ first, he brought his brother to Christ as to the true Messiah. Being also a fisherman, like Peter, the Lord called him, and promised to make him a fisher of men. John 1:44,40,42; Matt. 4:18,19. And because he zealously followed the Lord, and was instructed in the evangelical doctrine, so that he was worthy to be filled with the spirit of miracles, the Lord ordained him…