Albert Steele

Albert Steele (1843-1907) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1898, he was appointed pastor of Spa-road Baptist Chapel at Bermondsey, succeeding the late J. L. Meeres. Prior to this work, he served as deacon at Keppel Street Chapel between the years 1879 and 1888, under the pastoral ministry of William Styles. He served as auditor to the Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches. He was a member of the Sacred Harmonic Society, not only assisting the Triennial Handel Festivals at the Crystal Palace, but also invited with others to Windsor Castle in the audience of Queen Victoria. He worked at the British Museum, responsible for the artifact descriptions. This brought him into contact with many leading scholars of his time—George Smith, Roderick Murchison and Dr. Birch.

  • Albert Steele

    The Life And Ministry Of Albert Steele

    I could not have been more than three or four years of age when my association with Keppel Street commenced. I graduated as scholar from infant to senior class, and in later years over the same course as teacher. It was not, however, till I had reached man's estate that the serious. aspect of religion presented itself to me. I realized that though engaged in teaching the Word of God, I was ignorant of the spirit and power of it myself. I was unhappy. I knew I was a sinner; I knew Jesus Christ was the Saviour; but could not connect the two facts in their personal relationship. This state of unrest continued some time. I was in earnest about the matter: it pressed itself…