AHB Worship Services
The following services may be used for divine worship in your private devotions and family gatherings. They may also be used for congregational meetings if your church is without a preacher.
An Ensign For The Nations
A ‘Worship Service’ Guide
A 'WORSHIP SERVICE' GUIDE FOR LEADING PRIVATE DEVOTIONS, FAMILY GATHERINGS AND CHURCH MEETINGS. Please refer to one of the Worship Services archived under the Category, "Worship Services" (see side menu). 1. The proceedings of the worship service should be conducted by one person. If it is a family gathering, then the head of home (Father or Mother) should assume the leadership. If it is a church gathering, then the Pastor, Deacon or an elder should assume the oversight. If it is a gathering with friends (peers), then one of these persons should take the lead. It is the responsibility of the leader to maintain order and discipline during the meeting. This important position should not be delegated to a person on the basis of his/her…