Agnes Higgons

Agnes Higgons (1835-1868) was a sovereign grace believer. She was the daughter of Mr. Higgons, a servant of Christ who opened his house for the worship of God. Several notable preachers proclaimed the gospel in their kitchen, where the brethren gathered, among whom were Philpot, Tiptaft, Godwin and Warburton. With the increase of a growing congregation, Mr. Higgons, at great expense to his business, donated his warehouse to the cause of Christ. Agnes came to a saving knowledge of Christ while on her deathbed, in answer to her father’s prayers, at the age of 33.

  • Agnes Higgons

    The Life And Testimony Of Agnes Higgons

    She burst a blood vessel more than a twelvemonth ago, which much weakened her; but she partially recovered. A few months ago her cough became troublesome, and her strength began gradually to decline. About a week before her death the vessel again gave way quite suddenly, and she was greatly alarmed. I was with her alone, and she implored me, in the most piteous manner, to pray for her. I said, "Try and beg yourself for mercy as long as you have breath." She answered, with the greatest emotion, "I do, I do." I reminded her that the thief upon the cross was pardoned at the eleventh hour. It was a very solemn time, as I feared every moment she might be launched into eternity…