Three Pillars Of False Religion
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The timeframe when the events of Genesis 3 occurred • The location where the events of Genesis 3 occurred • The main events in Genesis 3 • Examining Satan’s temptation of the woman in verses 1-5 • Examining Adam and Eve’s transgression in verse 6 • Examining Adam and Eve’s vain attempt to make themselves right with God and escape His wrath and judgment in verses 7-13 • Examining the Lord’s pronouncement of judgment upon those involved in Adam and Eve’s transgression in verses 14-19 • Examining Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the garden of Eden in verses 20-24 • Showing how Adam and Eve remained under the authority of the covenant of works after they transgressed…
The Plan Of Salvation
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The development of the covenant of grace in Genesis 3:1-4:26 • The importance of distinguishing between the covenant of works and the covenant of grace
The Twofold Message
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • An overview of Genesis 1:1-50:26 • An overview of Genesis 2:4-4:26 • The development of the covenant of works in Genesis 2:4-4:26
In The Beginning
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The three persons mentioned in Genesis 1 • The timeline of Genesis as a whole, and Genesis 1 in particular • The distinction between God the Creator, and the creation • The distinction between eternity and time • The first day of creation, Sunday, 23 October 4004 BC • The second day of creation, Monday, 24 October 4004 BC • The third day of creation, Tuesday, 25 October 4004 BC • The fourth day of creation, Wednesday, 26 October 4004 BC • The fifth day of creation, Thursday, 27 October 4004 BC • The Sixth day of creation, Friday, 28 October 4004 BC • The framework of sovereign grace and where the creation of the world…
An Introduction To The Book Of Genesis
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The meaning of the name “Genesis” and the reason why the first book of the Bible is given this designation • The structure of the Old Testament books as a whole • The structure of the New Testament books as a whole • The different types of literature which make up the Bible, and the special significance of historic narrative • A traditional outline of the book of Genesis • The special structure of the book of Genesis • A timeline showing the major time periods recorded in the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New Testament, with special attention given to the book of Genesis • The relationship between people and events, and how they work…
Bible Testaments
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The two major divisions of the Bible—Old and New Testaments • A testament is another term for covenant • Examining the covenants/testaments of the Old Testament • Examining the covenants/testaments of the New Testament • Showing how the labels “Old Testament/Covenant” and “New Testament/Covenant” refer to the same covenant—the covenant of grace • The Old Testament/Covenant is God’s administration (dispensation) of the covenant of grace before Christ came into the world; the New Testament/Covenant is God’s administration (dispensation) of the covenant of grace after Christ came into the world • The substance of the Old and New Testaments/Covenants therefore teach the same gospel—sinners have always and only been saved according to the terms and promises of…