The Gospel Of Sovereign Grace
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The twofold division of the New Testament books • The trio of gospel truth according to the first four Epistles of the New Testament • A basic outline of Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians • Highlighting a few things about the true gospel preached by Paul • Highlighting a few things about the false gospel preached by others • Highlighting a few things about the regenerate sinners in Galatia • The meaning of the term ‘gospel’ • Identifying the meaning of the gospel based on Isaiah 52 and Romans 10 • Identifying the message of the gospel based on 1 Peter 1:2 • Explaining the threefold message of the gospel—electing love of God the Father, redeeming…
Tying It All Together
This sermon addresses the following points: • Gathering together the gospel truths connected with Abel’s testimony unto salvation • Affirming the gospel truths of Abel’s testimony are true for every sinner saved by grace throughout the course of history • Considering the viewpoints of Charles Ryrie, John MacArthur and John Gill on this subject • Examining the ambiguous and convoluted views of Dispensational thinkers on this subject • Linking the testimony of Abel with the catalogue of saints recorded in Hebrews 11 • Encouraging the regenerate sinner to give diligence in making his/her calling and election sure • Explaining the meaning of the terms “diligence”, “calling” and “election” in 2 Peter 1:10 • Showing the relationship between “calling” and “election”, and linking them together with that…
Closing Evidence Of Regeneration
This sermon addresses the following points: • Linking the enmity between the seed of Satan and that of the woman (Genesis 3), with the enmity between the old and new natures residing in the soul of a regenerate sinner • Distinguishing between the first and second births, as expounded by Christ in John 3 • Examining the origin and nature of the first birth—Genesis 1 and 2, Psalm 51, Jeremiah 17, Matthew 15, Galatians 5, Romans 7 and 8, John 6 • Examining the origin and nature of the second birth—Ephesians 2 and 4, John 15, 1 John 3 • Showing the distinction between the old and new natures • Pointing out the delusion and false profession of unregenerate sinners when they fail to distinguish…
Additional Evidence Of Regeneration
This sermon addresses the following points: • Defining the spiritual fruit of patience—“the ability to wait upon the Lord with the confidence that He providentially governs the course of history according to His eternal decree” • Explaining the definition of patience with a five-part and two-part outline • Diagraming the definition of patience according to the framework of sovereign grace • Showing the relationship between the eternal decree of God and His providential governance • Overlaying the framework of God’s eternal decree and providential governance, with a selection of texts—Psalm 33, 115, 135; Isaiah 46; Daniel 4; Acts 15; Ephesians 1; Romans 8; Ecclesiastes 3 • Connecting the framework of God’s eternal decree and providential governance with the ability to wait upon Him with confidence,…
Another Evidence Of Regeneration
This sermon addresses the following points: • Tracing the origin of tribulation to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 • Describing the nature of tribulation with reference to its many forms • Exploring the meaning of ‘afflictions’ in Psalm 34 • Connecting these ‘afflictions’ with the ‘evil’ mentioned in Matthew 6 • Connecting these ‘afflictions’ and the ‘evil’ with the ‘affliction’ mentioned in James 1 • Tying these ‘afflictions’ and the ‘evil’ together with the ‘persecution’ and ‘tribulation’ mentioned in Romans 8 • Affirming the security of the regenerate sinner’s salvation • Explaining the significance of a threefold cord with reference to eternal security (Ecclesiastes 4) • Explaining the significance of the Father’s hand, the Son’s hand and the Spirit’s hand, with reference to eternal…
Other Evidence Of Regeneration
This sermon addresses the following points: • The twofold nature of hardships encountered by regenerate sinners as they journey through this world as strangers and as pilgrims—persecution and tribulation • Tracing these hardships to the experience of Adam and Eve, recorded in Genesis 3 • Distinguishing between persecution and tribulation • Highlighting the fourfold strategy of Cain which led to the martyrdom of Abel • Vindicating Abel, when he conversed with Cain, by explaining the difference between separation and isolation • Showing the first, second and third “deaths” recorded in Scripture • Explaining why Abel was the first Christian martyr, rather than the Evangelist Stephen • Pointing out some of the similarities between the testimonies of Abel and Stephen • Highlighting the various types of…