All The Way My Savior Leads Me
The Apostle Paul instructed the churches at Colosse to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. That's what I intend to do by explaining the meaning of this hymn—All The Way My Savior Leads Me. And I’d like to give an explanation according to the Framework of Sovereign Grace, which is God's master plan for the ages. You'll notice the hymn was written by Fanny Crosby. This was a 19th century American poet and composer. In fact, she wrote more than 8,000 hymns, of which of course, this is one of them. Allow me to read for you the three stanzas of the hymn:
Now Thank We All Our God
The Apostle Paul instructed the believers at Colosse to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. That is what I hope to do by explaining the meaning of this hymn, against the backdrop of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.
34 Bible Reading – The Book Of 2 Kings
I would like to welcome you back to another study in Bible Reading. As you know, these studies are designed to serve as signposts for your journey through the Bible. This is the thirty-fourth study in the series, and we are looking at the book of 2 Kings. According to the chronological order of Bible books, this is the fourteenth book to appear along the timeline. The period covered by the book is around 300 years, from 898 BC to 590 BC. There are 25 chapters, and it takes approximately 1 hour and 55 minutes to read in a single sitting. Just as the book of 1 Kings is a divinely inspired piece of literature, so also is the book of 2 Kings. That is,…
The Book Of 2 Kings
Christ Is My All
The Apostle Paul instructed the believers at Colosse to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. That is what I hope to do by explaining the meaning of this hymn, against the backdrop of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.
Immortal, Invisible
The Apostle Paul instructed the believers at Colosse to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. That is what I hope to do by explaining the meaning of this hymn, against the backdrop of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.