22 Bible Reading – The Book Of Ruth
A Transcript Of The Video Study According to the Chronological Chart Of Bible Books, Ruth is the ninth book to appear on the timeline. We believe it was written by Samuel, but the exact time is unknown. It is a divinely inspired book, meaning God breathed out His words through Samuel. The words of this book, therefore, are the words of God. They are able to make us wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. They are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that we might be matured in the faith, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Tim 3:15-17) The name “Ruth” is derived from one of the leading characters of the book. In fact, there…
What Is Hyper-Calvinism?
What Is Hyper-Calvinism? This same question appears as the title for an article written by Ronald Hanko for the Protestant Reformed Churches in America (PRCA). You may view the full article here. Hanko admits that his group (PRCA) is often maliciously charged with being hyper-Calvinists, because it rejects the well-meant offer of the gospel. However, he argues the historic definition for hyper-Calvinism[1] is restricted to those who deny the doctrine of duty-faith, rather than those who reject the free-offer. He writes, “Historically, the name has been applied to those who deny that the command of the gospel to repent and believe must be preached to all who hear the gospel.” He goes on to explain: “A hyper-Calvinist (historically and doctrinally) is…one who believes rightly in…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 22
Some of the points covered in this sermon: Bible Reading—an overview of the book of Ruth is provided, from the perspectives of Naomi and Ruth
21 Bible Reading – The Book Of Judges
A Transcript Of The Video Study According to the Chronological Chart Of Bible Books, Judges is the eighth book which appears on the timeline. We believe portions of it was written by a number of unknown authors, but that it was completed and compiled by Samuel, sometime after Saul had been appointed king of Israel, around the year 1095 BC. Nevertheless, this is a divinely inspired book, meaning God breathed out His words through those who wrote the book. The words of this book, therefore, are the words of God. They are able to make us wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. They are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that we might be matured in…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 21
Some of the points covered in this sermon: Bible Reading—an overview of the book of Judges’ structure is provided, together with an alignment on where the characters of the book fit within the Framework of Sovereign Grace
16 Bible Doctrine – Can You Expand On The Analogy Of A Potter And The Clay?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I diagramed for you the teachings of Paul as it relates to the masterplan of God for the ages. The diagram is based on a single analogy used by Paul in Romans 9 and 2 Timothy 2—that of a potter and the clay. The question which now concerns us for this study—is it possible to expand on the analogy of a potter and the clay? Yes, that is something I am happy to do for this study. I want you to know from the outset, the analogy of a potter and the clay is not a trivial comparison used by Paul. The apostle did not haphazardly select the analogy as if some other comparison would…