14 Israel And The Church
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We continue our series of studies on the biblical covenants. And if you remember from our previous study, I began to tackle a subject which is shrouded with confusion. It's the meaning and distinctions of three biblical terms—the elect, Israel and the church. I'd like to speak to you in this study on the subject of Israel and the church.
13 Israel And The Elect
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We come again to our series of studies on the biblical covenants. In the previous studies, I have given to you my understanding of the biblical covenants and how they're arranged. And now as we come to the tail end of the series, there's a couple of more studies I want to bring to you. And I’d like to deal with the subject that's shrouded with confusion. It's the subject of Israel, the elect and the church. Now these three terms are among the most common labels recorded in the scriptures. And to say there's a fierce controversy between the various groups of Christians over their meaning would be an understatement.
12 Comparative Views On The New Covenant
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We come again to the series of studies on the biblical covenants. And for this study I’d like to take a look at some comparative views on the New Covenant. Allow me to begin by reading for you a text of scripture. I've selected Hebrews chapter 13. I’d like to begin reading for you in verse 20. Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 20. The Apostle Paul wrote—“Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing…
11 The New Covenant
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We continue our series on the biblical covenants. Now, as you know, I believe the covenants can be divided into one of two categories. First, there are two spiritual and perpetual covenants, that of Redemption and of Works. And then second, there are four earthly and temporary covenants, that which God made with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David. Then of course, there is the New Covenant. I don't believe the New Covenant is an actual covenant, but rather, it's an explanation of the Covenant of Redemption to the Jewish people as a nation as they were then living under the authority of the Mosaic Covenant and its laws.
10 The Earthly And Temporary Covenants: Distinguishing Between The Spiritual And Earthly Covenants
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. As you know, we've been looking at the subject of the biblical covenants. And in particular, we're going to continue our study on the earthly and temporary covenants. As you know, I believe the biblical covenants can be divided into two main categories. That of the two spiritual and perpetual covenants, which would be Redemption and Works. And then that of the four earthly and temporary covenants, that which God made with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David. There's then something called the New Covenant. I suppose we could put this into a third category. The New Covenant I do not believe is an actual covenant, but rather, it's an explanation of…
9 The Earthly And Temporary Covenants: The Error Of A Conditional Covenant Of Grace With Its Duty-Faith And Free-Offer Perversions
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We come again to the subject of the earthly and temporary covenants. And if you remember, I believe these covenants can be arranged under one of two categories. First, there are two spiritual and perpetual covenants—this would be that of Redemption and that of Works. And then secondly, there are four earthly and temporary covenants—that which God made with Noah, with Abraham, with Moses and with David. As for the New Covenant, I don't believe this is an actual covenant, but rather, it's an explanation for the Covenant of Redemption to the Jewish people as a nation as they were then under the Mosaic economy and subject to its laws.