19 Bible Doctrine – How Does Paul’s Analogy Of A Potter And The Clay Fit Within The Context Of Romans 9 As A Whole?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, we considered the Father’s role in the work of salvation, explained by Paul in Romans 8:28-11:36. You will remember, there are six parts to this section of the letter: In (8:28-39), Paul extols the Father’s eternal blueprint of electing love; in (9:1-5), he confesses his burden for the salvation of the Jews; in (9:6-33), he explains the Father’s eternal blueprint of electing love; in (10:1-3), he once again confesses his burden for the salvation of the Jews; in (10:4-11:32), he once more explains the Father’s eternal blueprint of electing love; and in (11:33-36), he ends where he began, extolling the Father’s eternal blueprint of electing love. Now, the analogy of a potter and the clay…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 25
Some of the points covered in this sermon: Bible Doctrine. The analogy of a potter and the clay is viewed within the more immediate context of the Father’s electing love, recorded in Romans 9:6-33. A comparison is provided between the structure of the text and the framework of sovereign grace. The Supralapsarian view of the Father’s electing love is held forth.
18 Bible Doctrine – How Does Paul’s Teaching In Romans 9 Align With God The Father’s Role In Salvation?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I unfolded for you the structure of Paul’s letter to the Romans. It was my purpose to show you how Paul’s teaching in Romans 9 fits into the letter as a whole. Well, I pointed out that there are four main sections to the letter. It opens with an introduction (1:1-17) and closes with a conclusion (15:14-16:27). In between are the two main sections—First, Paul explains why sinners are under condemnation (1:18-3:18); Second, he explains how sinners are secured salvation (3:19-15:13). Now, with reference to God securing salvation for sinners, there are a further four sections to the letter—the role of God the Son in the work of salvation (3:19-5:21); this is connected with the…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 24
Some of the points covered in this sermon: Bible Doctrine. The analogy of a potter and the clay is viewed within the general context of the Father’s electing love, recorded in Romans 8:28-11:36. A comparison between the structure of the text and the framework of sovereign grace is provided
17 Bible Doctrine – How Does Paul’s Teaching In Romans 9 Fit Within The Letter To The Romans As A Whole?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, we took a snapshot at how the scriptures use the analogy of a potter and the clay to depict the sovereignty of God and the relatedness of the human race to Him. It was concluded that Paul did not use this analogy carelessly, as if any other comparison would have served his purpose all the same. No, rather, he deliberately chose the analogy because it happens to be one of the clearest descriptions of God’s masterplan for the ages—He is the potter, and we are the clay! Now, as we have discovered, the main structure of this framework is outlined by Paul in Romans chapter 9. However, this is by no measure apparent to most…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 23
Some of the points covered in this sermon: Bible Doctrine—An Overview Of Paul’s Letter To The Romans Is Provided, Together With A Comparison On How The Teachings Align With The Framework Of Sovereign Grace