Entangled With The Yoke Of Bondage
Having served for three years as an Evangelist in the Philippines, Jared Smith has prepared two studies based on Galatians 5:1, in response to the insidious doctrine of progressive sanctification, which pervades every church and Christian denomination with which he has come into contact throughout the course of his evangelistic labors. The Apostle Paul identifies the doctrine of progressive sanctification as “another gospel”, and Jared attempts in this study to explain why.
24 Bible Doctrine – How Do The Five Points Of Calvinism Align With The Framework Of Sovereign Grace?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I reminded you that there are two diametrically opposed systems of biblical theology—Arminianism and Calvinism. The Five Points of Calvinism were formulated in response to the Five Points of Arminianism, and they are as follows: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and the Preservation of the Saints. The natural and most common way to approach these teachings is in chronological order, beginning with the first point, moving down the list to the last point. However, the Five Points may also be viewed according to a structural order. The first and last points speaking of the nature of man, and his relationship to and with God; the middle three points speaking of the nature…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 36
Some of the points covered in this teaching video: • There are two subjects covered in this session of studies—Bible Doctrine and Hymn Singing • Bible Doctrine—the Five Points of Calvinism are aligned with the Framework of Sovereign Grace • Hymn Singing—a devotional exposition of Jonathan Franklin’s hymn, “In Mounts Of Danger And Of Straits”
23 Bible Doctrine- How Are The Doctrines Of Grace Structured?
A Transcript Of The Video Study This is the twenty-third study in the series, and I would like to speak to you on the subject of the Doctrines of Grace. I pointed out in an earlier study that there are two diametrically opposed systems of biblical theology—Arminianism, named after a Dutch Theologian who lived during the 16th century (Jacobus Arminius, 1560-1609); and Calvinism, named after a French Theologian who lived during the same century (John Calvin, 1509-1564). However, neither man formulated the systems of teachings represented by these labels. Rather, the teachings were drawn up by those who lived after both men died. This took place in Holland, between the years 1610 and 1618. The first system of teaching to be formulated was that of…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 35
Some of the points covered in this teaching video: • There are two subjects covered in this session of studies—Bible Doctrine and Hymn Singing • Bible Reading—a structure for the Doctrines of Grace is provided, together with a comparison between the five points • Hymn Singing—a devotional exposition of William Tucker’s hymn, “Fixed Was The Eternal State Of Man”
31 Bible Reading – The Book Of Psalms (107-150)
A Transcript Of The Video Study This is the thirty-first study in the series, and we are looking for the last time at the book of Psalms. In our previous studies, I have pointed out the book of Psalms has been divided into five sub-books, often called the Five Books of Psalms. Book 1: Psalms 1-41 (1 hr, 5 min to read) • Total 41: David (37); Anonymous (4) Book 2: Psalms 42-72 (51 min to read) • Total 31: David (18); Asaph (1); Korah (7); Solomon (1); Anonymous (4) Book 3: Psalms 73-89 (36 min to read) • Total 17: David (1); Asaph (11); Korah (3); Ethan (1); Heman (1) Book 4: Psalms 90-106 (31 min to read) • Total 17: David (2); Moses…