Study 5: The Laws Of God (2:1-16)
This study explores the differences between the Jews and the Gentiles; between the Covenant of Works and the Mosaic Covenant; between the heart law and the Mosaic Law; between the spiritually elect and the spiritually non-elect.
Study 4: Open Rebellion (1:18-32)
This study looks into the depravity of the human heart as it manifests itself in open rebellion against God. The subject is aligned with the Framework of Sovereign Grace, demonstrating where Paul's teachings fit within the masterplan of God for the ages.
The Articles Of Faith For The Strict Baptist Chapel At Carlton, Bedford
The church of Christ meeting at Carlton, Bedford came together in 1672, when Gideon Fisher’s house was licensed for Congregational worship. In 1760, the congregation moved to a new chapel in Causeway with a seating capacity of 700 people. The late Kenneth Dix, chairman for the Strict Baptist Historical Society, served as pastor for this church between the years 1967 and 1970. During the early 1990’s, the congregation amalgamated with Harrold Evangelical Church, now known as the Grace Baptist Church meeting in the Old Mission Hall in Harrold High Street. The chapel was sold in the early 2000’s, converted to a private residence. The church was aligned with the teachings of the Strict and Particular Baptists, at least until the mid-20th century. The fourteenth pastor of…
Study 3: Open And Secret Rebellion (1:18-3:18)
This study considers the first main section of Paul's letter to the church at Rome. In his answer to the question, Why are sinners under the condemnation of God, the apostle distinguishes between the Jews and the Gentiles, showing why both groups are under God's wrath. Jared explains the reason for Paul distinguishing the Jews from the Gentiles, and places the whole of Paul's teachings into the context of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.
Study 2: Greetings, Brethren (1:1-17)
This study considers the introduction of Paul's letter to the church at Rome. The first seventeen verses of chapter one are examined in light of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.
A Very Strange Sound In Our Ears
Strange things I've heard Reformed Baptists say: "We must believe like John Calvin, but evangelize like James Arminius!" "If it were not for Paedobaptism, I would be a Presbyterian!" "A church is at high risk of pastoral dictatorship unless more than one pastor is appointed." "Christians need the church like babies need milk...it is their nourishment for life." "Hyper-calvinists have no urgency to preach the gospel to dying sinners," said one while spending a day visiting with me in the sitting room, instead of urgently preaching the gospel to my neigbors. "It is the unbeliever's duty to believe on Christ, and the believer's duty to obey the [moral] law!" "God wants you to come to Christ; the only thing keeping you from salvation is your…