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Gill’s “Body Of Divinity” And The Table Of Contents Rearranged

The Framework of Sovereign Grace is a diagram designed to illustrate God’s masterplan for the ages. The content of John Gill’s systematic theology fits within this context. In this study, the Table of Contents has been rearranged in order to demonstrate this alignment.

There are many of the Lord’s people who are “scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd.” Some are alone and isolated. Others live near each other, but cannot find a local church to join. In time, these poor dejected souls become accustomed to their deprivation of church life, landing them in a dry and thirsty land, surviving on “locusts and scratching the earth for water.”

To meet this need, I have started preparing online worship services. While the alone and isolated believer should find encouragement and edification through this provision, it is hoped those believers who live near each other will be prompted to organize themselves into new churches. Where two or three of the Lord’s people are gathered together in His name, there is He in the midst of them. In such circumstances, it is likely the new churches will be without a preacher. They may therefore continue following these online worship services, in lieu of a preacher, until the Lord is pleased to supply the vacancy. Nevertheless, even if a group of believers choose to not organize themselves into a church, I pray they will use the online services and find enrichment to their souls through the worship of God and gospel edification.

Jared Smith