William Glasgow

The Life And Death Of William Glasgow

Earthen Vessel 1913:

This faithful servant of God received the home-call rather suddenly on March 6th. He had reached the ripe old age of 83 years, and had been for many years in a weak state of health, though he was able to walk out a few steps the day before his decease. He was born at Chesham, Bucks; became the recipient of saving grace early in life, and was joined by baptism to the “Townfield” Church. When quite young he began to preach at Lee Common, Trina, Two Waters, &c. His first settled pastorate was at Gaddesden Row. 

In 1875 he was directed by the Lord to remove to Suffolk, and, for over seven years, he was the honored pastor of Bardwell. Here he did good work for the Master. It was at Tunstall, however, that his life-work awaited him, and there his name is still highly honored. He labored there for sixteen years, with many signs of the Lord’s presence and blessing. 

In the year 1900 he retired from active pastoral work, but continued to be the messenger of the Lord to many village Churches, even up to about within two years of his death. 

It was in the year 1906 that he joined “Zoar”, Ipswich, by letter of transfer from the Tunstall Church. 

He loved intensely the Gospel of the grace of God, was a most tender pastor and faithful friend. Somewhat reticent, he did not talk much to others of his innermost feelings. A humble Christin, he ever sought in all he did the glory of his Lord.

A large congregation assembled at “Zoar,” Ipswich, on Lord’s-day, March 23rd, to show their last token of respect in a memorial service. The dear widow could not be present, owing to illness. The pastor (P. Reynolds) preached the funeral sermon from the following words—“My servant is dead; now, therefore, arise” (Joshua 1:2). May grace be given to the widow and family to rejoice because their dear one has, by faith in his Lord, fought a good fight, and laid hold of the crown, glimpses of which were granted him through the smoke of the battle.

Philip Reynolds

[We thank brother Reynolds for the above record of a brother beloved and faithful fellow soldier, whose godly, consistent life supported the truths he proclaimed. To know him was to love him; to labour with him a privilege and power. The Lord be very gracious to the dear widow and devoted helpmeet of His faithful servant.—Editor]

William Glasgow (1830-1913) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at Gaddesden Row, Hertfordshire (7 years); Bardwell, Suffolk; Tunstall, Yorkshire (16 years).