AHB Worship Services,  Don Fortner's Sermons

You Are Complete In Him

Hymn—Blessed Be The Name

Scripture Reading—2 Peter 2

Opening Prayer

Hymn—Christ Is The Eternal Rock 

Sermon—You Are Complete In Him (See Above)

Hymn—Jesus Lover Of My Soul

Closing Prayer

Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Tim 1:17)

Don Fortner (1950-2020) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher, author and hymn writer. After graduating Piedmont Bible College, he became pastor of Lookout Baptist Church in West Virginia. He then moved to Danville, Kentucky in 1980 where he pastored Grace Baptist Church for 40 years. He died on the 29 April 2020, at the age of 69.

Don Fortner's Articles
Don Fortner's Sermons