Unspeakably Glorious, Distinguishing Grace
“This is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord our righteousness.”—Jeremiah 33:16
Before days began or years were numbered, in the book of God’s election were all the members of Jesus written, ‘which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.’ Ps. 139:16. God’s electing love would have remained an eternal secret to us, had not the Spirit of truth made it known. But as it is revealed in the word, it is an object of our faith; and it ever will be the subject of glorying and of triumph to those who possess the faith of God’s elect; for faith is a blessed evidence, that ‘God hath chosen them in Christ, before the foundation of the world.’ Eph. 1:4. Was the man Jesus, God the Father’s ‘elect, in whom his soul delighteth.’ Is. 42:1. So are all his members, loved with the same love as the head. God gave not the Spirit by measure unto Jesus, the glorified head of the church; but every member receives the Spirit through Jesus, ‘according to the measure of the gift of Christ.’ Eph. 4:7.
Unspeakably glorious, distinguishing grace. This is the rejoicing of simple-hearted, believing souls. They are beloved and chosen by God the Father, and partake of the same Spirit with Jesus; and are also called by the same name with Jesus. Is Christ called ‘the Lord our righteousness?’ Jer. 23:6. So the church, the Lamb’s wife, being married in faith and love, is called by the very same name with her Lord and Husband, ‘The Lord our righteousness.’ But some render the words, ‘He that shall call her,’ to be a peculiar people to himself, ‘is the Lord our righteousness.’ Then he clothes them with the glorious robe of his own righteousness; then his name is called upon them, for they are one with Jesus.
Angels wonder, saints admire. Oh ye righteous, how astonishing is this. Ye, who by nature are children of wrath; ye who by practice have been rebels and transgressors from the womb, yet exalted by Jesus to such a high and glorious state. Amazing love: ye can never, never enough dwell upon the Father’s love, the Son’s grace, and the Spirit’s vocation. Glorious days of gospel light and love. While others are left wretched in nature’s pride, free-will boast, and self-righteous glorying, ye not only may, but shall be saved by free-grace truth. Ye shall dwell safely; for God your Father’s justice is satisfied, his law is fulfilled, your enemies are all conquered, God is at peace with you. What then can harm you; for ‘as the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so Jehovah is round about his people, from henceforth even for ever.’ Ps. 125:2
William Mason (1719-1791) was a High-Calvinist author. For many years he served as a Justice of the Peace, and in 1783 was appointed a Magistrate. He served as editor of the Gospel Magazine before and after the editorship of Augustus Toplady. He is best known for a morning and evening devotional entitled, “A Spiritual Treasury For The Children Of God.”