Johnson Grimwood

The Life And Death Of Johnson Grimwood

Earthen Vessel 1913:

Death. Johnson Grimwood was called home February 7th, 1913, aged 84 years. Our dear brother was Pastor at Charsfield eleven years; Stonham Parva seventeen years and ten months. His last pastorate was Cransford, Suffolk, and the writer will remember the services he has conducted in his house; how sweet their memory still. Though not a great preacher he was a good man, a gracious man, and a diligent man in this world’s affairs. I have heard him say he has been at his work all day, drove home, had some refreshment, walked to Charsfield (eleven miles) on a winter’s night, and home again; sometimes nearly midnight before he reached home. Our dear brother would rise at any hour to show an act of kindness to anyone in need. 

He was brought out of the Church of England under one Charles Shorting, a very truthful man, another John Ryle (of Stradbroke) for earnestness. 

Our brother was highly esteemed by the Suffolk Churches and Pastors.

He was buried in Gosbeck Churchyard. There were twenty-three friends from Stonham Parva to his burial. On Lord’s-day, March 9th, our Pastor improved his death from the words in 1 Chron. 29:28: “He died in a good old age; full of days.” 

A. G. Hall

Johnson Grimwood (1829-1913) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at Charsfield, Suffolk (11 years); Stonham Parva, Suffolk (17 years); and Cransford, Suffolk.