Edward Samuel

The Life And Death Of Edward Samuel

Gospel Standard 1897:

Death. On December 10th, 1896, in the 85th year of his age, and (we think) the 56th year of his ministry, this servant of the Lord fell asleep, at Sleaford. Writing to a friend, Mrs. Samuel says, “My dear husband was taken away suddenly at last. A week before he died he was taken with severe pains about the region of the heart. The doctor gave him medicine to relieve the pain. He did not keep his bed one day, but did everything as usual, so I had no idea of death being so near, neither do I think he had, though he always prayed for the Lord to prepare him for the ‘sudden change.’ The following are a few words which occasionally dropped from the lips of my dear husband during the last week:

“On one occasion, after an attack of pain, he said, ‘It is all by weight and measure.’ He would often say, ‘I know in whom I believe.’ Another time, ‘Why should I be cast down, when I have such a glorious prospect?’ He would often say, ‘I have a good home to go to.’

“On the Monday before he died, he said, ‘I have been reading the 27th Psalm, and I have found it so sweet;’ and he read it the following morning at family worship. He often repeated the verse, ‘O that in Jordan’s swelling I may be help’d to sing, And pass the river, telling, The triumphs of my King!’ [483.]

“Wednesday he was unusually cheerful; indeed, he had been so the last month of his life He said, ‘I have had several visits lately from the Lord Jesus Christ, and he assured me that where he is I shall be.’

“For the last two months he had an impression he would not be here long; the words, ‘The end is come,’ were often on his mind. The evening before his death, he conducted family worship as usual, and read the hymn which ends, ‘As to man’s merit, ’tis hateful to me! The gospel I love it; ’tis perfectly free.’ [52.]

He said, with much emphasis, ‘So say I!’ He retired to bed, and had several attacks of pain during the night. At 3 o’clock he changed suddenly for death. In about ten minutes, with a sweet smile, his ransomed spirit quitted the clay tenement.

“He preached the last Lord’s day of his life. The evening text was, ‘He hath done all things well.’ 

Mrs. S.

Edward Samuel

Edward Samuel (1811-1896) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He entered the gospel ministry at the age of 29, serving the Lord in this capacity for 56 years.