William Mason

Follow Peace With All Men

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness; without which no man shall see the Lord.”—Hebrews 12:14

‘He that believeth shall be saved:’ this is the immutable decree of the God of truth. As no man shall see the Lord without holiness, so no man can be holy without faith in Jesus. But this is the peculiar blessedness of every believer; he is holy, he is ‘sanctified by faith which is in Christ Jesus.’ Acts 26:18. All such are ‘called to be saints.’ 1 Cor. 1:2, called to holiness of life and conversation. There are no holy unbelievers, nor unholy believers. Gospel exhortations are suited to the spiritual state of regenerate souls. They are subjects of the Prince of peace; are at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. As agreeable to their character, to the will of God, and to the peace of their own minds, they are ever to study and endeavour to follow peace with all men, consistent with faith and a good conscience. So of holiness: being holy members of the holy Jesus, beloved children of a holy God, subjects of a holy Spirit, called by a holy gospel, partakers of a holy faith, heirs of a holy kingdom; therefore all the way of their journey thither they are to follow holiness. Partaking of the root of holiness, by union with Jesus, all the fruits of holiness spring. Christ is the way wherein we are to walk: conformity to his image is the delight of new-born souls, but we are the subjects of a nature which is averse to this. Still we know that holiness and happiness are ever inseparable. Holiness is our vocation, our business, and is ever to be our constant aim; though not to recommend us to God to procure his favour, or as a condition of our acceptance in his sight, but that we may glorify him ‘who hath made us accepted in the beloved.’

Saints are not to indulge themselves on the bed of sloth, dream of heaven, big with hopes of a fool’s paradise, and vainly wish to cast themselves out of Delilah’s lap of worldly pleasures and sinful gratifications into Abraham’s bosom of heavenly joys. But we are studiously to avoid every thing which is contrary to the nature of true holiness, and ever to be diligent in the use of such means, which, through the power of the holy Spirit, may increase our love of holiness, and cause us to abound in the practice of it. True, we have innumerable enemies from within and without to oppose our progress in holiness. So much the more need of diligence and activity. We know that the delicious fruits of happiness grow only in the paths of holiness; and the Lord’s strength which is for us, is greater than all that is against us. Ever remember a throne of grace is always open to us, and we are exhorted to draw nigh to God with boldness. Great and precious promises are given us. All are to encourage us ‘to serve God without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.’ Luke 1:74, 75.

William Mason (1719-1791) was a High-Calvinist author. For many years he served as a Justice of the Peace, and in 1783 was appointed a Magistrate. He served as editor of the Gospel Magazine before and after the editorship of Augustus Toplady. He is best known for a morning and evening devotional entitled, “A Spiritual Treasury For The Children Of God.”