When Ye Pray
“Jesus said unto them, when ye pray, say, Our Father, which art in heaven.”—Luke 11:2
Faith in the heart excites prayer from the lips. Thus the faith of God’s elect manifests itself, that it cometh from the Lord the Spirit. By it the soul is led to Jesus the mediator, and by him to God the Father. So each person in the Godhead is known, worshipped, and glorified by believing souls. While we see and feel nothing of our misery and wants, no marvel that prayer is an irksome task. From a sight of ourselves, and the knowledge of Jesus, we come to him daily with simplicity of heart. Master, teach us to pray, it is the highest honour, the sweetest privilege, the most blessed exercise of the soul to draw nigh to God. What greater on earth than to come to the throne of the King of kings? And that fear and shame may not beset and keep us back, knowing our vile nature and sinful practice, hear our Lord and Saviour’s encouraging direction: ‘When ye pray, say, Our Father.’
And can it be that I, a child of wrath by nature, a son of perdition by sin, a vassal and slave of Satan by practice, and accursed by the holy law; can it be that God will own me, and bless me as his child? Yes, grace triumphs over nature’s deserts; love glories over creatures demerits. The lips of truth have said it, and who shall dare reverse it? By the sword of the Spirit slay the unbelief of the heart. What Jesus hath taught his disciples to call God, that he is to them. As Jesus is the Saviour of all men, but especially of them who believe, so God is the universal parent of all; but in a special manner, the Father of all the dear members of his beloved Son. A Father by covenant love, by election of grace, by precious promises, by strict justice. A Father in holiness and truth, because of the suretyship of Jesus, the righteousness of Jesus, the atonement of Jesus, the holiness of Jesus. And the weakest, feeblest member in the faith of Christ, possesses Jesus, with all his blessings, as man and mediator. Hence God is their Father: he loveth them with complacency and delight. The paternal affections of his heart yearn over them. Children’s hearts should continually be drawn out to their Father in holy affection, in fervent desires, and humble confidence. Nothing doubting, but gathering all confidence of hope, as being taught by Jesus. ‘In whom we have boldness and access with confidence, by the faith of him.’ Eph. 3:12.
Lord I address thy heavenly throne;
Call me a child of thine;
Send down the Spirit of thy Son
To form my soul divine.
There shed the choicest loves abroad,
And make my comforts strong;
Then shall I say, My Father, God,
With an unwavering tongue.
William Mason (1719-1791) was a High-Calvinist author. For many years he served as a Justice of the Peace, and in 1783 was appointed a Magistrate. He served as editor of the Gospel Magazine before and after the editorship of Augustus Toplady. He is best known for a morning and evening devotional entitled, “A Spiritual Treasury For The Children Of God.”