James Nunn

The Life And Ministry Of James Nunn

Earthen Vessel 1863:

The Late Mr. James Nunn

His Life, Death , Burial, &c, &c.

Turning out of the prescribed course this month—in order to save space—I shall, under the heading, “Companions Of The Cross,” give some notice of one who has been called home to glory from our midst, leaving many of his old co-workers still in the field. I refer to Mr. James Nunn, the minister of Zion, Goldington-crescent, near Camden-town. 

During the last fifteen years I have had, occasionally, close acquaintance with the deceased brother; and ever found him a wise, faithful, and tender-hearted friend; but his afflictions—mental and physical—were severe. I always thought him a broken-hearted man—a man of many sorrows—shutting himself almost out from all society: he leaned and lived upon his Lord alone. The last time I saw him previous to his death, he was the same, calmly waiting the Lord’s appointed will and pleasure. There was a stern manliness, a firm adherence to principle, a deep love of the brotherhood, a perfect freedom from everything little and contemptible, and a manifest abhorrence of hypocrisy and deceit, always prominent in all the interviews I ever had with James Nunn. He was a fair type of the real Englishman; and but for the blighting storms which broke upon his head and heart, his position in the churches would have been an extensively useful one beyond many. The following private, simple note, written a short time before his departure, very correctly expresses the inner man. Brother Bowles, now of Hertford, had for years been much attached to the deceased. To him he addressed the few following lines:—

Dear Brother Bowles,—I hardly know how to hold the pen to drop a line to you. Lord’s-day, a-bed all day; have not been able to leave my bed only an hour or two ever since. As soon as I get up I feel I must lay down again and die. I have felt that death had laid his hand upon me; but through mercy, I have felt it was my last foe; my mind, blessed be the dear Lord, have been very calm. I have been delivered from all doubts and dears. Death feelings are very painful to nature, and nature ties will come in, children and friends have their claim, but heaven will make amends for all. Kind love to dear wife, yourself, and dear friends,

Yours as ever,

James Nunn

“My hope is built on nothing less

That Jesus’ precious blood and righteousness.”

As I stood beside the open grave, surrounded as it was by hundreds of believing souls. I could but ask, What has gathered together this large body of Christian friends? Is it curiosity? Is it mere natural sympathy? Nay; the countenance of the people threw a responsive light upon that expressive verse—(Acts 8:2)—“Devout men carried Stephen to his burial; and made great lamentation over him.” Deep devotion, mingled with a sorrow not to be described by words, marked the faces, and clothed the spirits of many hundreds who came to witness the last sad office, consigning the body to the tomb. For my departed brother I silently said—for myself—for multitudes beside—I silently and sighingly ejaculated—

“I own I’m guilty—own I’m vile;

But Thy salvation’s free:

Now, in the bowels of Thy love—

Dear Lord, remember me.”

Abney Park Cemetery contains the slumbering dust of many a faithful follower of the Lamb; and among them now that of James Nunn. As the long procession of carriages entered the delightful, yet sacred enclosure, the sun shone through the clouds ready to weep:—on either hand of us were files and companies of people waiting the arrival of the corpse; and when the coffin was laid on the stand—when the chapel was literally crammed with mourners and friends—when Thomas Attwood stood in the pulpit and read God’s Word, and prayed to Heaven for help and blessing—the sight was awfully solemn; but the reflections of sensitive minds were graver still. Who could resist the inward utterance of expressions like these—“How stern is Truth! How true is every word in the book of God! Does not the Holy Ghost, by Paul, say, ‘If ye live after the flesh ye shall die; but if ye, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live?’” For more than a quarter of a century was our departed brother a martyr in the sense Paul describes. I thought if I had a thousand tongues I would use them all in exhorting young ministers to seek for three things absolutely essential to their own peace and the Church’s well-being. A sound creed experimentally laid in the heart—a good conscience cleansed and made holily tender through faith in the great Redeemer’s blood; and a character becoming the Christian and the Gospel:—these are indispensable elements and requisites, without which no vessel of mercy can sail on in a prosperous gale. Then, again, what a correct inspiration is that in Prov 18:19: “A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: their contentions are like the bars of a castle.” What a cruel course of unrelenting persecution (I thought) has been pursued; but all is over now. The shattered barque, over whose heavy timbers the angry waves have rolled so many years, has sunk at last beneath their force; and when again it doth appear, it will be fashioned like unto our Lord’s glorious body—never, never, never more to know either sin or sorrow—the cruelty of foes, or the falseness of professed friends.

Yes! There are Scriptures like those I have quoted, which are as true as their Author; and are most severely realized in us as creatures; but, blessed be the Lord, there are New Covenant Scriptures, also, which are equally as faithful and as true. How brilliantly doth that star of revelation sometimes discover itself on a dark and dreadful night. I mean Romans 5:20: “The law entered that the offense might abound.”

“But (merciful ‘But!’) where sin abounded, GRACE DID MUCH MORE ABOUND.” Our Almighty Covenant God maintains with most inflexible intenseness and precision, both His moral government over us all as creatures, and His “New Covenant Relationship” toward His chosen as accepted and saved in Christ! All his life long Jacob had his outward troubles; but who ever had more glorious revelations and expressions of Jehovah’s lovingkindness toward him? Moses shall not go into Canaan, but the Lord kindly shewed him the land, was with him in his departure, and it may be, took him home to glory then and there. From David’s home the sword never departed; but Israel’s God was David’s longing and unceasing friend:—in life David could say, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” In Christ, David could gratefully exclaim, “Blessed is the man whose sin is covered—whose transgression is forgiven—to whom the Lord will not impute iniquity,” and in death he could quietly rest upon the fact, “He hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure.” So with all the heavenly family; chastisements as fallen creatures they will have, but cast out of God’s heart, or out of Christ’s Kingdom they never shall be.

Brief Memoir Of Mr. James Nunn

[The following narrative had been written for us by a brother intimately acquainted with the deceased, whose pathway he has delineated. We give it as given to us; and sincerely hope all who read it will not only realize spiritual encouragement, but that the most intimate of Mr. Nunn’s friends (former and more recent) will here find a faithful record.—Editor]

James Nunn, (of whose life the following is a short sketch) was of those men, who, like Huntington and a host of others, was selected by God Himself to minister to His people of the word and life. He was a man of great natural and intellectual powers, but being uneducated, he had to contend with many difficulties; in his call to the ministry the hand of God was so apparent, and when engaged in ministering, the blessings to himself and to others were so abundant, that we can say, he was designed from his birth to comfort and encourage the afflicted in Zion. He was a man whose constitution of body and mind fitted him for great things: strong in body and high spirited, when a youth he was looked upon as a leader by those with whom he associated in the amusements of this world. After he was brought to the feet of Jesus, all those energies were employed in his new Master’s service; he was a man who upheld truth at whatever cost to himself: faithful to his God to the last, though confessing himself to be but an erring sinner. Impatient of control, and bearing down all opposition, yet when his greatest enemies were brought to confess they had injured him, he freely forgave them and treated them as if they had never attempted to harm him. To those who did not know him, he appeared at times harsh and unreasonable; but when his character was understood, there was found to be a fund of gentleness and love for every one by whom he was surrounded. With a mind capable of grasping and understanding deep mysteries, he yet had the ability to simplify and explain them, so as to be understood by the weakest of God’s children. 

He was born in the year 1800, at Tunstall in Suffolk; his parents were poor but God-fearing people, and did their best to lead him in the ways of Zion; but the soil, though fruitful, was covered with weeds, and it was many years before the seed sown in childhood brought forth frμit to God’s glory. In his youth he was heedless and impatient of parental control, and several times left his home: once he went to sea and was engaged in one of the naval battles of the period. At last he left his home in 1817, and did not return to it till God had commenced humbling his proud spirit. The work was gradual, he was convicted of sin by God’s Holy Spirit and he tried in his own strength to reform, but found he was but a weak mortal. After a time he was enabled to break off his old habits and leave his companions, and as an instance of God’s love and power, he has often stated that he at once forgot all the songs he had been for years in the habit of singing. In 1819 he returned to his parents, who were then worshipping at Blandford street under Mr. Keeble: he was shortly after admitted a member there after. Passing through the ordinance of believer’s baptism, and continued a member until after the death of Mr. Keeble in 1824: during this time he was first led out to speak to the church on Sabbath afternoons, which he did for ten months, although engaged in business from 8 a.m., to 10 or 12 p.m., using frequently to sit up till 2 a.m, for study. This time of his life, was when he experienced the sweetness of the first love feelings of the Christian; but it was succeeded by much sore tribulation, both in temporal and spiritual things. As an instance, one situation he was engaged in as cashier at a draper’s, and being uneducated he could not do the work properly; in this extremity he called night and day for help from above which was withheld for three months, and during this time he was much troubled, thinking that God was against him, but he who has said, “Acknowledge me in all thy ways, and I will direct thy paths,” at length opened up in his mind a simple plan by which all business difficulties were conquered. About this time there was a difference of opinion between himself and the deacons, as to a member who had committed suicide; he thought this man was never a partaker of divine grace, though he was soon led to see that he was only under the power of the adversary of souls; but in consequence of his holding the first view, he was forbidden by the church to go out as a preacher. In this extremity he consulted good old John Bailey, of Great Alie-street, who advised him to wait the Lord’s time. Some months afterwards he went for a short time to Chatham, to an uncle of his intended wife’s and was there invited to speak at a prayer meeting, which he did; and on his return to London he was asked to preach at Two-waters in Herts, which he agreed to do. On this being told to the deacons they threatened to cut him off from membership unless he discontinued preaching, but he felt that it was the Lord who had opened his mouth, and he could not hold back, and come what might he must publish the message given to him, and the opposition being soon withdrawn, he continued to go about to various places; it was no unusual thing for him to ride 60 miles or walk 16 to preach three sermons, and his ministry at this time was much blessed.

In 1825 he married his first wife, Eleanor, who was a member at Blandford-street, and engaged in business; but in 1827 his house in Oxford-street was destroyed by fire, and his wife and children narrowly escaped being burned. He was also seized with rheumatic fever, and was for many weeks prostrated. 

After Mr. Keeble’s death in 1824, Mr. Nunn and his wife and thirty-seven others left Blandford-street, and formed the church at Mount Zion, Hill-street, Dorset-square: he was chosen a deacon and held his membership till 1831. In 1827 his own and his wife’s healths being delicate, they were invited to spend a short time at a friend’s house in Ipswich. Providence so ordered it that he was led to speak to a few friends there, and afterwards in 1829 a church was formed of twenty members at Dairy Land, Ipswich, and he was engaged to supply the pulpit on Lord’s days, going down from London on Saturdays, and returning on Mondays: this he did for two years, at the same time carrying on a harassing business in London; he thus travelled fourteen thousand miles and preached about three hundred sermons.

In 1830 be removed with his family to Ipswich, and in 1831 a highly honourable dismission was given of himself and his wife from Mount Zion to the Infant Church at Ipswich, with which he remained seven years. During this time he was again sorely tried; enemies raised up evil reports against him; and, at another time, the river Orwell overflowed its banks, and destroyed his property; but in 1837 be had his greatest affliction, in the loss of his beloved wife, and one of his children. In 1838 he was led to tender his resignation at Ipswich, conditional on an arrangement being made to pay the shareholders the money’s owing to them. There was a difficulty, and the chapel was for a short time closed. In 1839 he married his second wife, and the chapel being reopened, he again filled the pulpit till the year 1843, when be removed to London, but went as he had previously done, down to Ipswich, until the church there fixed upon their present pastor, Mr. Poock. At this time his family worshipped at Soho under Mr. Wyard. 

In 1844 be was invited to the pastorate at Beulah, Somers Town, which he accepted, but to do so he refused a situation as a manager at a house of business where he was offered £250 per annum. In this year another of his children died, but his heart was much comforted by her glorious exit from this world. Although she was only ten years old, yet she gave convincing proof that she would be at the marriage-supper of the Lamb. The church at Beulah being a poor one Mr. Nunn was paid less than £100 a-year (although in his time the chapel debt was reduced one-half), and from a long continuance of family afflictions he was in straitened circumstances as to money matters. His enemies again raised up evil reports against him, and a committee was formed to investigate them. They went to Ipswich, and had a long correspondence, and many interviews with varius parties, and the result was, they fully exonerated him from the charges brought against him in every particular. But the monotary and other troubles still continuing, in 1849 Mr. Nunn proposed a plan for paying the expenses, and for reorganizing the secular affairs of the church, and also that candidates for membership should be seen by a few members, and not be obliged to appear before the church. These propositions met with strong opposition, which led Mr. Nunn to propose that seat-rents should be abolished, and boxes at the doors substituted, thus leavmg to the consciences of the people to give voluntarily as God gave them ability; this raised further opposition, and Mr. Nunn resigned the pastorate. The friends who had supported him, immediately met, and resolved to build a chapel in which they could worship God, and support the worship in the manner proposed. The stone of the present Zion (Goldington Crescent, St. Pancras), was laid in 1850, and while it was being built they met at Lawson’s-rooms, in Gower-street, experiencing there an out-pouring of the Spirit, and a blessedness in bearing which has never been forgotten by those who worshipped there.

But it was not all smooth sailing with Mr. Nunn, for during this time he lost his wife, and he was attacked with a nervous disease, which for a long time afflicted him, and broke up a bodily frame and natural energies, which at one time appeared as if they would never abate.

In the same year 1850 the chapel was opened, and the last thirteen years of Mr. Nunn’s life were spent in opening up the things which God had shewn him, and in comforting the poor of the flock. God had led him by such a chequered path that his preaching was deeply experimental, and he could sympathize with the troubles of all. Here he continued till the tongue of slander died out, and left him in his last days gradually to glide into eternity, honored, respected, and beloved by all who came in contact with him.

In 1858 he lost by death another of his daughters, and in 1861 another was also taken away, both of them dying in faith in Jesus, and a hope of immortal life through his blood. But in 1861 he baptized his two remaining daughters, and on this occasion he felt that his happiness was complete, and he could be content to go home. 

Towards the end of 1862 his health was getting very bad, and as the year 1863 set in warm, he went for six weeks to the house of Mr. Bowles, at Hertford, still filling his pulpit himself up the first Sabbath in March, when he preached from the words, “Although my house be not so with God, yet hath he made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure, this is all my salvation and all my desire, though he make it not to grow,” and he afterwards administered the Lord’s Supper. It was the last time he appeared before the people. He retired to his room, which he afterwards only left for a few hours at a time. Nature’s powers gradually failing, he took to his bed three weeks before he died, and was in such a weak state that he was unable to see any of his numerous friends. During this time he was often in a stupor, and knew not what he said or did, but when awake his mind was clear upon the settled purposes of God. He knew he was dying, and longed to be gone. While in this state he desired one of his deacons to tell the people that his 

“Hope was built on nothing less

Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.”

A few days before he died he rallied a little, and sent for his Senior deacon, who asked him whether he found the truths he had heard him preach for seventeen years, to be his support in death. He answered, “Bless you, Marks, there is no doubt about it, I have nothing else to trust in but the blood and righteousness of Christ.” In the evening before he died, it was apparent to all who saw him, that he had not much longer to live. The children and friends who were waiting on him were with him all the night, and will not soon forget the scene. He would be in a doze and wake up, wishing to be gone, saying he would not give half-a-million to Iive now. He called all up, and desired them to pray with him for the last time. He bid them good-bye, saying, “I shall see you again;” also recommending the poor to their care, and in this manner the night passed away. In the morning of the 8th May, he commenced singing the hymn, 

There is a land of pure delight, 

Where saints immortal reign; 

Infinite day exclude. the night,

And pleasures banish pain.

He had done with this world, and after that, when he occasionally spoke, it was with some wish heavenward, until at last, one hour before he died, he sang in a failing voice, “Hallelujah, Hallelujah,” and he never spoke after. His breath gradually thickened, and his respiration grew feebler, his sight failed him, and those around him thought every breath the last, but nature’s powers held out wonderfully till he quietly, peacefully, and without pain passed away, and the perishable body only was left, but the spirit has returned to its Maker, and is now before the throne singing, “Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.”

The Funeral 

On Thursday morning, May 14, 1863, the coffin was removed from Zion cottage into the chapel; and in the course of the fore-noon groups of friends, and many coaches and other carriages gathered together in the neighbourhood of the Crescent: the scene of Mr. Nunn’s ministerial labours for several years. About noon the service in the chapel commenced. The pulpit entirely covered with black cloth; also the front of the gallery, the friends in mourning, the immense pall over the coffin, the ministers round the platform, and even many of the Sunday-school scholars weeping, threw a solemn awe over the mind. The strong-looking man who had so often stood in the pulpit now a lifeless corpse: the tongue that had so many times sounded out the truths of the Gospel now paralyzed, and the eyes which sometimes would seem to penetrate every heart and spirit, closed in death. Sorrow and grief appeared to fill the place. The brethren, Attwood, Bowles, John Harris, George Webb, and the senior deacon, Mr. Marks, conducted the service in the chapel. The procession comprised the hearse, nine mourning coaches, several other carriages, and many, many real friends. On leaving the cemetery chapel, the brethren Attwood and C. W. Banks preceded the corpse, and an immense number followed; among whom were the brethren and daughters of Mr. Nunn; his deacons and friends, and several ministers. Mr. Hanks, of Woolwich; Mr. Sack, Mr. Wise, and a concourse of Christian friends from many of our churches, gathered round the grave. It was said more than five hundred were there. Mr. John Harris read, and the people sang a suitable hymn, after which C. W. Banks addressed the spectators for more than half-an-hour. At the commencement of his address he spoke somewhat as follows:—

“There are many mysteries in this world. There is not one word said about mysteries in the heavenly kingdom; but here are many—in creation, in nature, in Providence, in the dispensation of sovereign grace, and in the changes of light and darkness passing over the Gospel kingdom; there are mysteries many and mighty indeed.

“There are two special, comprehending the whole: the mystery of God’s power within, and the mystery of Satan’s power without. The power of God in the new creation: in the spiritual revelation of the Divine holiness, the Saviour’s righteousness, the Gospel’s completeness, and the distinction between going down to hell, and rising by faith, and hope, and love to heaven. The manifold power of God in the soul is a mystery grave indeed. So also is Satan’s power without. What a dreadful fact it is that our prisons are always full; men and women are still led captive by Satan at his will. Our judges sentence the murderers, transport the felons, punish the thieves, imprison the reckless and the wretched wanderers; but as fast as they clear off one crowd, another comes to hand. The law punishes: the Gospel speaks of salvation. Benevolence and philanthropy form societies and throw out efforts to counteract the evil; but still Satan triumphs over thousands and millions of the destitute and the dreadful. 

“And not only in the world, but in the church, there are delusions and divisions too painful to think upon. There, on every man—on the best of men—spots and blemishes, imperfections and sins, appear. This state of things seemed to endear to my mind that blessed Scripture recorded in the 14th and 15th verses of Rev. 7—‘These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb; therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple.’

“As I walked and thought of the life, the changing scenes, the sorrows, the ministry, the afflictions, and death of our departed brother Nunn, the words came freely into my soul,—‘These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb,’ &c.

“The followers of Christ are here represented under a fourfold aspect. I. In great tribulation. II. As obtaining peace and pardon, purity and power, through a Redeemer’s atoning sacrifice. III. As being delivered entirely and for ever from all their troubles, ‘are come out of,’ away from, every kind of sorrow. And, lastly, as standing around the throne of God, and in His temple, serving Him day and night without intermission. 

“Is that remarkable expression, ‘great tribulation,’ applicable to the whole of the redeemed? It is spoken of them all—all who have waded through that travail of soul and sorrow of life to which the quickened elect of God are subjected in this low valley of time and sin. The word tribulation has in it the idea of being brought to tribunal—placed on trial. 

“When the soul is new-born—heaven-born—when the holy breath of God enters into it, it becomes pure, tender, and opposed to sin of every sort, of every degree; but, then, the law enters—sin is discovered—and guilt and condemnation are felt, and the fears of eternal wrath roll over the mind. Here is anguish beyond all description. When Satan tempts, sin abounds; the flesh is found weak and wicked, and eternity opens up to view; then there is a trial, a conflict, and overwhelming sorrow, the climax of which was reached by Christ Himself in Gethsemane’s garden and on Calvary’s tree; but the measured sense of which every ransomed sinner feels. 

“The whole course of a gracious soul, from the moment of its quickening until it leaves death behind, is included in the term,—‘great tribulation.’ 

“Painful as the first convictions may be, perhaps they are nothing to the crucifying sorrows of some godly men in their more advanced stage of life. The constitutions and the circumstances of good men, in this world, widely differ; so much so, that but very few can sympathize with their fellows in the pathway of sorrow. That pathway must be trodden alone, except in cases where that promise is realized, “When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee.” There is an immense difference, and a very large exercise, of Divine sovereignty in the permissions and hindrances attendant on satanic and carnal attempts to cast down the saints of God. In Job’s case, the Lord said to Satan, ‘He is in thy hand, only touch not his life:’ but in Abraham’s case, in Mordecai’s day of trial, and in Joseph’s. severe temptation, grace triumphed in preservation and deliverance. 

“In this fallen world, death sometimes comes from the gradual working of som fatal distemper within. Some organic disease undermines the constitution, and into the grave the victim falls. In other cases, death comes from some violent onslaught from without, like that gentleman who last Sunday evening was riding home in the gig, and a band of ruffians so beat and assailed him, that he died. 

“The tribulation of some of God’s people arises from sore temptation within. An intelligent and devoted friend told me of dreadful inward sorrow he had from infidel thoughts—blasphemous injections, and the working of a dark and terrible unbelieving heart. With this inward plague many living souls are sorely tried. Others are dashed to pieces by some violent attack from without. This world is full of sin. Our fallen nature is full of sin. We cannot come in contact with any of the creatures and elements of this world, but we are in danger of sin. Now and then an external victory is obtained by Satan. He openly hurls to the ground a poor victim of sin and sorrow, and in great tribulation that soul is left; it may be for many years. Noah, David, Solomon, and Peter, and not a few besides, have carried broken bones and bleeding hearts down to their graves. 

“But, oh, how exceedingly precious to such poor bruised souls are the tender compassions of our Great High Priest, our good Samaritan. Only of Him can it be said, ‘We have not a High Priest, which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but who was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.’ Only in his hand is to be found the oil and wine for bruised spirits and broken hearts. He only can come down where we are; and it is by Him alone we can be raised up. I have thought of His look He gave to Peter; or his voice to the penitent, ‘thy sins which are many, are all forgiven thee:’ of his hearty invitation, ‘Come unto me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’ Surely indeed

“His heart is made of tenderness,

His bowels melt with love.”

If it had not been so, he never could have thus welcomed the weary; nor would so fully and freely have promised them rest. But, while my heart was engaged in deep thought upon the amazing compassions of our Saviour Jesus, I was stirred with feelings of most singular astonishment, when his prayer on the cross came to my heart so solemnly, ‘Father, forgive them’ cried the drying Redeemer, ‘for they know not what they do.’

“Oh! I am glad there is such a thing as death; because then, if truly joined to Jesus here, we shall then go to be like Him, and with Him for ever; where we shall “—never, never sin, But from the rivers of His grace, Drink endless pleasures in.”

“They have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.’ Faith is, experimentally and evidently, a justifying robe. Love is a heart warming, and Heaven-comforting robe.” Divine knowledge of the Holy Persons and Powers of the Godhead is a robe most beautiful and beneficial too. Obedience to Christ and all his commands is a robe so exceeding plain and demonstrative that the church called it her coat. A good overcoat covers nearly all the body; and when this robe is well wrapped round the believer; then, if his shoes are clean, if his head is well covered, and his footsteps directed into truth, he will enjoy great peace; but the very fact that the fountain of atoning blood is still opened to the House of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem: this fact implies the danger we are all in. These robes once put on, are never cast away. But Satan, or the world, or the flesh, or some adverse power, may defile them;—then, by an extraordinary power of faith, the living soul plunges into the fountain; and peace and pardon, is found therein. Robes once defiled in an external sense, are never forgotten here. The world, the Church, the pure and preserved children, can easily remember the spots on the robes; the washing and the cleansing, but few will acknowledge or notice here; in the higher heavens, of all the ransomed and believing family it is said, and now among the rest, of the disembodied spirit of James Nunn, it is said—“These are they which came out of great tribulation, have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the Throne.” A Suffolk minister of many years standing; and of high repute, even in association circles, writing to me, says:—“I know Mr. Nunn well. He was unmercifully used. He was a thorough good man, of excellent disposition.”

I forbear. Our brother rests in peace and joy. Brother George Webb, closed the services at the grave, with prayer: and on Lord’s-fay, May 24th, Mr. Attwood preached the funeral sermon, of which an outline may be given. 

The calm and peaceful end of Mr. Nunn’s life is encouraging to those heavy laden pilgrims who are yet in the desert. Yet a little while, and we all shall leave these stormy shores. 

James Nunn

James Nunn (1800-1863) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served several causes, the churches meeting at Ipswich and Somers Town among them. He suffered many heart-aches throughout the course of his life, yielding to him a meek and quiet spirit in old age.