Keep Yourselves In The Love Of God
“Keep yourselves in the love of God.”—Jude 21
The love of God, like every other attribute and perfection of Jehovah, is everlasting and unchangeable, even as the essence of God himself. This love is manifested to his people in Christ Jesus; he is the object in whom they are viewed and loved by the Father. As Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and for ever, so is God’s love towards them. Time, with all its concurring circumstances, can make no alteration or change, increase or diminution herein. But as to the sense and enjoyment of this love, the word of truth, and the experience of believers plainly testify of its ebbing and flowing, its fervour and abatement in the soul. Hence the necessity of those tender calls, kind warnings, and loving counsels, are dressed to believers, in the word of truth; because they are ever to be active as those who are made alive to God, and have their senses exercised to discern between good and evil. Exhortations excite to jealousy, and quicken to diligence. The enjoyment of the love of God is our heaven below; to keep ourselves in the happy sense of it, is our highest privilege, our greatest happiness. Keep ourselves in the love of God! Yes. How? Use every means which love commands, avoid all things which love forbids. Account not this legal: those who do, have only the notion of love in the head, but are strangers to the constraints of love in the heart.
Wouldst thou ever enjoy love, oh Christian? Be much in meditation upon it; think daily, constantly of that unparalleled instance of it, God so loved the world as to give his only begotten Son, to atone for sin by his precious blood, to justify sinners by his perfect righteousness. Dost thou know this by the gospel? This is love revealed. Dost thou believe this in thine heart by the Spirit? This is love felt and enjoyed. All, all flows from the rich, transcendantly rich love of God in Christ Jesus. Oh be concerned daily to keep thy soul in and under a lively sense of this love; and also keep thyself by this love from worldly lusts, carnal indulgences, and sensual gratifications. These are forbidden fruit; thy flesh may long for and covet them, but by the love of God, by his mercies in Christ Jesus, and for thy soul’s sake, abstain from them. Know verily, as hurtful food will impair the health of thy body; so these things as certainly will rob thy soul of its peace, damp the warm sense of God’s love, and render thee cool, indifferent, and lifeless to the love of God. Thus saith the God of love, ‘Consider your ways.’ Haggai 1:5.
My God, permit my tongue ‘
This joy, to call thee mine;
And let my constant cries prevail
To taste thy love divine.
For life without thy love
No relish can afford;
No joy can be compared with this,
To serve and please the Lord.
William Mason (1719-1791) was a High-Calvinist author. For many years he served as a Justice of the Peace, and in 1783 was appointed a Magistrate. He served as editor of the Gospel Magazine before and after the editorship of Augustus Toplady. He is best known for a morning and evening devotional entitled, “A Spiritual Treasury For The Children Of God.”