The Life And Ministry Of William Ewens
Gospel Standard 1870:
Death. On Nov. 25th, 1869, aged 38, William Ewens, deacon of the church at Chippenham.
He was brought to a knowledge of his sinnership under the ministry of the Independents, and through the death of his brother the work in his heart was greatly deepened. He went on for a long time in bondage, ofttimes creeping into secret places, begging for mercy.
After a time, he was led by the Lord in his providence to go to Allington, to hear the late Mr. Philpot; and he was the means, in the Lord’s hands, of breaking his bonds and setting his soul at sweet liberty. He could say, “How beautiful are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings!”
After this he became dissatisfied with the Independent ministry, and his mind was deeply exercised for years about believers’ baptism. He wont at times to hear the late Mr. Mortimer; and through his ministry he felt such a union to him and the people that he left the Independents, and was baptized by Mr. Mortimer, and joined the church in October, 1862, and continued an honourable and consistent member to his death. He was one that studied the welfare and peace of the church, and was always found in his place when health permitted.
We have lost in him a kind and sympathizing brother. Through the nature of his affliction, which was but short, being only ten days, we could not converse with him much; but his end was peace.
Edward Morris
Chippenham, May 18, 1870
William Ewens (1831-1869) was a Strict and Particular Baptist deacon. He served this office for the church meeting at the old Chapel in Chippenham.