The Life And Ministry Of Charles Graham
Earthen Vessel 1893:
The Late Mr. Charles Graham, Of New York
We very deeply regret to announce the departure of our highly esteemed friend and brother Mr. Charles Graham, of New York, U.S.A. In the July number of the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, 1892, we gave a portrait and sketch of deceased, from which it appears Mr. Graham was born Dec. 5, 1811, at Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland. In 1836 he came to London, where the Lord graciously revealed Himself to him and called him by His grace. He became a staunch believer in the doctrines of the Gospel and Strict Communion principles, from which he never swerved one iota. His own words are, “The Lord has kept me and borne with my manners in the wilderness these many years, and has not cast me off, as I have thousands of times deserved.” We have heard him say with what pleasure and delight he had listened to the late C. W. Banks, James Wells, John Foreman, and other decided Scriptural and experimental ministers of the Gospel. He is gone to his rest. We mourn the loss of a true and sincere friend, and one who took great interest in circulating the Eartehn Vessel and Gospel Herald in New York and its environs. The following letter is from one of deceased’s most intimate friends:—
“Dear Mr. Winters,—My beloved pastor, Mr. Charles Graham, has entered into the presence of his Lord, of whom he loved to speak and exalt for so many years. The (to us) sad event occurred on June 21, 1893. I saw him the night before he died. He raised himself, gripped my hand, and said, ‘Brother, I shall never see you any more at our place in Brooklyn.’ I said, ‘I hope the Lord will raise you up again.’ He replied, ‘I am in the Lord’s hands, and all is well with me.’ Our loss is great—very great. He often spoke of you and the late C. W. Banks, of blessed memory. I know we, as a Church, will have your hearty sympathy in our great loss. Pray for us, that the work of the Lord may be carried on in Brooklyn, so that the few sheep may not be scattered, and His name glorified. Yours in Christian love—Jas. A. Etheridge.”
We have very pleasant recollections of the kindly nature, generous sympathy, and spiritual conversation of our translated brother, and sincerely pray the Church in Brooklyn, to whom he ministered, may be held together, and another under-shepherd raised up to go in and out before them, and instrumentally build them up, and gather in others, to the honour and glory of His holy name.—J. W.B.
Charles Graham (1811-1893) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. A native of England, he migrated to the United States (New York) where he served as pastor for a church meeting at Brooklyn.