The Life And Death Of William Styles
Earthen Vessel 1914:
The Late Pastor William Jeyes Styles
Yet another honored minister of our denomination and former editor of this Magazine has been called to rest. Our friend and brother, Mr. Styles, departed to be for ever with the Lord on Wednesday evening, May 6th. He had been laid aside from active service for several years in a condition of increasing weakness, and for many weeks had been confined to bed, so that the end was not unexpected. While the removal of one whom we have known and highly esteemed for so many years casts a shadow over us, we cannot but rejoice that God’s weary servant has entered the Father’s home on high.
We express our warm sympathy with Mrs. Styles in her sad bereavement.
William Styles (1842-1914) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at High Wycomb (2 years); Lower Holloway (3 years); Providence, Islington; Keppel Street (10 years); West Ham (4 years); West Hill, Wandsworth (6 years). After his conversion to Christ while sitting under the ministry of the Congregationalists, he was baptized by C. H. Spurgeon and became a member of the Metropolitan Tabernacle. During this time, he enrolled in the Pastors’ School. He eventually embraced high views of sovereign grace and strict communion principles, thereby leading him to join the Strict and Particular Baptist denomination. He was an outspoken opponent of the pernicious teachings of duty-faith and the free-offer, believing that no church, minister or member had a right to identify as “Strict and Particular Baptists” if holding to those errors. He took a leading role in the Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches and was a supporter of the Strict Baptist Mission. Both of these organizations now embrace the errors of duty-faith and the free-offer, standing opposed to the faith and order of the Strict and Particular Baptists.
William Styles, A Guide To Church Fellowship (Complete)
William Styles, A Memoir of John Hazelton (Complete)