Monergism.com On Hyper-Calvinism
Monergism.com is a “free and comprehensive online library dedicated to equipping believers with the riches of Reformed Christian theology…through a curated collection of classic and contemporary resources, Monergism.com serves as a hub for those seeking to grow in their knowledge of God, embrace the historic Christian faith, and apply biblical truths to all areas of life.”
One would hope, therefore, that the materials provided on the site would offer a fair and accurate account of topics, namely, that of Hyper-Calvinism. Monergism.com would have done well to consult Hyper-Calvinists before outlining a set of their representative beliefs. If so, they could have condensed the list to three items.
Hyper-Calvinists believe:
(1) Saving faith is the result of regenerating grace, and only those who have been brought experientially under the authority of the covenant of grace (redemption) are duty-bound to believe on Christ to the saving of their souls;
(2) The gospel should be fully and freely preached to all, but should not be presumptuously offered to anyone;
(3) The rule of conduct for the believer’s life is the gospel law, which is the soul’s union with Christ, by virtue of which the life and graces of Christ flow into the soul, enabling the believer to work out his/her salvation with fear and trembling.
This is the historic definition, for it is around these three issues the controversy of “Hyper-Calvinism” revolved during the 18th and 19th centuries. However, what follows is a list of half truths and ludicrous charges, none of which deal with the central issues above. Nevertheless, for the sake of clarity, I will answer the points.
Monergism.com: “The following are representative of some beliefs hyper-calvinists may hold. Most classic Calvinists reject as deplorable the following destructive beliefs:”
“That God is the first cause and author of sin and of evil”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain God is the decretive (first) cause of all things, but they do not believe He is the moral author of sin. God is not subject to the laws He has given to angels and men, and therefore angels and men cannot charge Him foolishly according to those measures. What He does is right because He wills it; He does not will it because it is right. Is this not aligned with “classic” Calvinism?
Monergism.com: “That men have no will of their own, and secondary causes are of no effect”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain the will of God is absolute and supreme, whereas the will of man is limited and subsidiary. Likewise, the decree of God is absolute and supreme, inclusive of secondary causes, all of which are brought to pass in time according to His providential governance. Is this not aligned with “classic” Calvinism?
Monergism.com: “That the number of the elect at any time may be known by men”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain there is a definite number of the elect, from eternity chosen by God the Father and put in covenant with the Son and the Spirit. The TriUne Jehovah alone knows the number. Is this not aligned with “classic” Calvinism?
Monergism.com: “That it is wrong to evangelize”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain it is right to evangelize, but wrong to proselyte. Evangelism is the proclamation of the gospel to all sinners; proselyting is the marketing of the gospel to the unregenerate through the manipulative stratagems of duty-faith messaging and free-offer scheming. While Hyper-Calvinists evangelize, “classic” Calvinists proselyte.
Monergism.com: “That assurance of election must be sought prior to repentance and faith”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain the sinner must be regenerated if he/she is to receive the gifts of faith, repentance and assurance. However, it is not the fruit (faith, repentance, assurance) regenerate sinners seek, but the vine (Christ). And it is through Christ the regenerate sinner enjoys an increase of faith, repentance and assurance.
Monergism.com: “That men who have once “sincerely” professed belief are saved regardless of what they later do”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain the sinner who has been set apart by the electing love of the Father, justified by the redemption that is in Christ Jesus and regenerated by the effectual power of the Holy Spirit will be preserved in the covenant bond of the TriUne Jehovah. Is this not aligned with “classic” Calvinism?
Monergism.com: “That God has chosen some races of men and has rejected others”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain God the Father has chosen a people out of every kindred, and tongue, and nation. Is this not aligned with “classic” Calvinism?
Monergism.com: “That God does not command everyone to repent”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain that while God commands unregenerate sinners to repent according to the authority of the Covenant of Works, under which they are held to account by their Maker and Law-Giver, yet He enables regenerate sinners to savingly repent according to the authority of the Covenant of Grace, under which they are held to account by their Redeemer and Law-Keeper. There is a natural repentance, belonging to the unregenerate, which has no saving power; and there is a saving repentance, belonging to the regenerate, which is full of saving power.
Monergism.com: “That the sacraments are not means of grace, but obstacles to salvation by faith alone.”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain salvation comes through the redeeming grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. Just as circumcision and the passover under the Mosaic Covenant contributed no part in the salvation of souls, so baptism and the Lord’s table contribute no part in the saving work of God.
Monergism.com: “That saving faith is equivalent to belief in the doctrine of predestination”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain saving faith is that virtue of Christ which flows into the soul as a result of regeneration. As a grain of mustard seed, it first lays hold on Christ, causing the sinner to rejoice in the Lord, for clothing him with the garments of salvation, covering him with the robe of righteousness. As the sinner grows in grace, saving faith will broaden and deepen, taking hold of the other branches of the gospel, namely, the electing love of the Father (predestination) and the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit.
Monergism.com: “That only Calvinists are Christians (Neo-gnostic Calvinism)”
Answer: Hyper-Calvinists maintain that which marks a true Christian is the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. By default, regenerate sinners begin their journey with the Lord carrying the heavy baggage of Arminianism. If the Lord is pleased to grow His people in grace, they will eventually move towards the doctrines of grace (Calvinism). Henceforth, kindness should be shown to all professing believers, for the Lord alone knoweth those that are His.
My dear friends, I am not one to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Monergism.com makes available many helpful resources, and I encourage you to make use of them. However, exercise discernment. Their section on Hyper-Calvinism is set up to fight a straw man. They have links to almost 60 articles, none of which deal with the actual issues of Hyper-Calvinism. Before you, on The Baptist Particular, are close to 500 men and women that can be identified as historic Hyper-Calvinists. If you take the time to read their testimonies and examine their teachings, you will discover they are not to be feared as “deplorable” or “destructive”, but have purchased to themselves a good degree, having great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. And it is that boldness in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ that I pray God is pleased to nurture in us.
Jared Smith served twenty years as pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church in Kensington (London, England). He now serves as an Evangelist in the Philippines, preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training gospel preachers.
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