William Ferris

Lines Addressed To Mr. William Ferris

Gospel Standard 1886: 

Thanksgivings to our gracious Lord 

Who sent thee forth to preach his word, 

Who made thee faithful, made thee bold 

His glorious gospel to unfold.

Who, out of weakness, makes thee strong 

To speed the gospel plough along;

Who richly still supplies thy need,

His weary saints to tend and feed.

Dear man of God! we love thee well, 

Yea, more than many words can tell; 

‘Tis for thy Master’s sake we love, 

Which does our heavenly calling prove.

Oft, when we meet for praise and prayer, 

And Jesus Christ himself is there,

We feel our hearts to God ascend

To bless thee to thy journey’s end.

We tell him how his word we hear 

(The precious gospel sweet and clear) 

From thy own lips, and then implore 

More blessings from his heav’nly store.

We ask him to bedew thy soul,

And all thy rising fears control,

To cheer thy heart when thou art sad, 

And speak the word to make thee glad.

And that he hears our prayer we know 

And on thy soul his gifts bestow,

For when th’ appointed hour comes round 

His servant at his post is found.

He tells us then of sovereign grace 

For fallen sons of Adam’s race;

Of Jesus’ precious love and blood, 

And how for us the Surety stood.

Tells how the Father and the Son, 

And Holy Ghost joined all in one,

To save the church from death and hell, 

In that grand covenant ordered well. 

Describes the wand’rings of his sheep,

And what it is their feet doth keep,

And how, through grace, they persevere, 

And bids them still “be of good cheer.”

His theme is Jesus Christ the Lord, 

The Mighty God, the Eternal Word, 

As God and man, born to redeem 

All that Jehovah chose in him.

He preaches God’s electing love 

(That bulwark hell can ne’er remove)

Based on th’ eternal, firm decrees

Of Him who formed earth, skies, and seas.

He shows, by God’s most Holy Word, 

Our lives should with true faith accord, 

Agreeing thus with one who said

That “faith without good works is dead.”

Thus babes, young men, and fathers too, 

Good food receive and strength renew; 

Whilst those “without” the gospel hear, 

So from their blood God’s servant’s clear.

O gracious Lord, do still impart 

Fresh life, fresh vigour to his heart 

That he may still the trumpet blow 

Whilst thou hast work for him below.

J. G. W.

William Ferris (1802-1887) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at Clack, Hilperton, Shoreham and Landport. It was during the last sixteen years of his life he served the church meeting at Salem Chapel, Landport.