David Denham

The Life And Ministry Of David Denham

Gospel Magazine 1840:

With the present Number of the Gospel Magazine our readers are presented with a portrait of the Rev. David Denham, of Unicorn Yard Chapel, Tooley Street, for the use of which we are indebted to him, and take the present opportunity of acknowledging the favour; at the same time we respectfully solicit a similar privilege from such really Gospel ministers, either in or out of the Establishment, as may have their own copper-plates by them, or portraits from which our artists may copy. In allusion to the subject of our present portrait, it is perhaps needful to state, that in speaking of a living minister, at least some degree of delicacy is requisite, otherwise we should expose ourselves to the charge of flattery, which would be as repulsive to our own minds as to the minds of our readers.

Mr. Denham has long been known to the readers of the Gospel Magazine as a contributor to its pages, and as the writer of several beautiful pieces which have obtained a very extensive circulation, among which we may mention, “The Fifty-six Wants of a Christian;” “The Sinner Saved;” and “The Saints’ Sweet Home.”

Mr. Denham entered the ministry in the year 1811; was an intimate friend of the late Dr. Hawker, during the time he was pastor of a church at Plymouth; he was afterwards settled at Ebenezer Chapel, Margate. The situation of this watering place being too keen for his delicate constitution, he was thence removed to his present scene of labour, where he has been for about six years. Under his care the church and congregation have greatly increased, and we trust many added to its number whom God shall own in the great day of account. Mr. Denham preaches, with animation and feeling, the doctrines of free distinguishing grace and electing love. We have often heard him with satisfaction and profit; have entered his chapel with depression and sorrow; the word has been sent home to our hearts with unction and comforting power; and we have come away with our countenances “no more sad.”

David Denham (1791-1848) was a Particular Baptist preacher. In 1834, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Unicorn Yard, Tooley Street, Southwark, London.