“The Grace Of God As Depicted In The Oracles Of God”: Preface And Contents
The Grace of God
As Depicted In The Oracles of God.
In Seven Chapters
William Tant
Minister of the Gospel; High Wycombe, Bucks
Psalm 72:18,19: “Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.”
London : E. Palmer and Son, 18, Paternoster Row.
I again appear before the public, in the character of an author; and as my object is to publish truth, that the creature may be abased, the church of God fed, the work of the Redeemer unfolded, the love of the Father extolled, the ministry of the Holy Ghost honored, and the glorious fullness of Jehovah Jesus held forth, for the edification of the blood-bought objects of everlasting love; I cannot conceive that any apology is needful, from me, to those for whose use this little work is designed. And as to men who know not what truth is,. because not under the guidance of the Spirit of Promise, it is neither my desire, nor is it in my power, to adduce any argument that will justify me before them in its publication. But though the cold-hearted critic may condemn, though the self-righteous Pharisee may despise, though the conceited theorist may sneer, and the bold infidel scoff; yet I hope, in the Lord’s hand, what I have written will prove beneficial to those “who would see Jesus,” and are enquiring their way to Zion, with their faces thitherward. Many such are labouring under the thought that the doctrines of grace have a licentious tendency; which thought has been gendered by the harsh epithets affixed to the lovers of truth by the enemies of Christ, who (“by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple,”) and nursed in the heart from the fear of indulging sentiments of so God-dishonoring a character as Antinomianism certainly is, in the common acceptation of the word.
But if Antinomianism is, what indeed cannot but be its true meaning, against looking to the moral law for justification before God—a looking off of all creature performances, and a resting wholly upon the finished work of Christ, for all our salvation: I say if this is the meaning of Antinomianism, then I have advocated it throughout the whole of the following pages, as the only thing that can save the soul, produce holiness, or lead to heaven. The term Antinomianism being derived from two Greek words, ANTI against, NOMUS a law, I am inclined to think that my apprehension of the same is correct, when I say A REAL ANTINOMIAN is one who is taught of God to look away from the law of works; and to love a full, free, and everlasting salvation, originating in election union to Christ, established by covenant settlements in Christ, flowing through the heart of Christ, brought by the hands of the Spirit into the soul, and, springing up into everlasting life, leads the possessor to certain glory. This being, in my apprehension, an Antinomian, I am bold to say THERE ARE NONE BUT ANTINOMIANS IN HEAVEN. On the other hand, if Antinomianism is, “continuing in sin that grace may abound,” I deprecate the sentiment as abominable in the extreme: YET LIBERTINISM, NOT ANTINOMIANISM, is the right name for such horrid conduct as this. NOR CAN I THINK THAT ANY MAN LIVING AND DYING AN ANTINOMIAN, IN THIS LATTER SENSE OF THE WORD, CAN ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
Nevertheless whatever may be the conduct of men, whether professed lovers of the doctrines of grace or not, there is one thing which I am quite sure of, namely, the doctrines of grace are heavenly doctrines, and are, for that reason, heavenly in their influence and effects. This being a point which the word of God bears me out in, I have endeavoured to show this in the following pages: that those of the Lord’s people who are in a wavering state of mind, in consequence of what the enemies of truth have insinuated, may know that it is a good thing for the heart to be established with grace.”
As there is neither chance, contingency, nor conditionality, in New Covenant truths, but all are yea and amen in the Covenant Head of the church, so that gospel which contains either is not after God. And as Christ has commanded the gospel to be PREACHED to every creature, so obedience to this command honours Christ; whereas OFFERING the gospel dishonors him. Some persons may think there is no real difference between OFFERING and PREACHING the gospel, but there certainly is. OFFERING Christ to men, is setting man above Christ; PREACHING Christ to men, is giving him the glory due to his holy name.
Though the moral duties of the creature are not superseded by the work of our excellent Immanuel, yet they may be performed without any saving interest in him; and, at the same time, the saints of God find it to be not their moral duty, but their spiritual privilege, to live upon him by faith, to approach him with holy familiarity under the anointing of the Spirit, to have fellowship with the mystery, and to live in conformity to his revealed will. The creature’s duty and the saint’s privilege are widely different, I have therefore attempted to give the weaklings, among the Lord’s regenerate ones, a few hints upon these things; together with a small portion of experimental honey from the rock of ages, and a brief view of several portions of God’s word, all of which, if distilled into the soul by the Holy Ghost, will, I doubt not, prove truly useful.
Much more could have been said upon each subject I have introduced to the reader; but if I had done so I should have swelled my book to a size which would have precluded many from seeing it, for whose use it is intended.
I now leave it with the Lord, humbly praying he will own it for much good to all whose desires tally with the words of the Psalmist, “Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people”.
O visit me with thy salvation, that I may see the good of thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation, that I may glory with thine inheritance.” May this be thy petition, dear reader, and may thy petition be heard.
William Tant
High Wycombe, October 1837
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1—The doctrines of grace not dangerous
Chapter 2—The distinction between natural and spiritual Sonship
Chapter 3—On offering the Gospel; or an offered Gospel shewn to be contrary to God’s word and will
Chapter 4—The Christian armed with Christ
Chapter 5—Observations on a few texts which appear to favour Arminianism
Chapter 6—A yea and nay Gospel considered
Chapter 7—Consolation for mourners
Chapter 8—Remaining Fragments
William Tant (?) was a High-Calvinist gospel preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting at Jireh Chapel, Robert Street, Brighton.