The Life And Testimony Of James Battersby
Hold Fast, John E. Hazelton:
James Battersby (1823-1899), Vicar of St. James’, Sheffield. Like many faithful exponents of the Gospel he was a Lancashire man, and the strength of character which is seen in some north countrymen was sanctified in his case by Divine grace. Many of his London sermons have been published and they are manifestly the utterances of one profoundly versed in Scripture and endowed with an experience of its power. They are direct and fearless and were attended by large congregations. In his earlier years Mr. Battersby was much engaged in open-air preaching; he was a man of splendid energy, frequently returning to Sheffield late at night after his London sermon. “Abiding resting places in the Covenant Three” is an expression occurring in one of his later discourses, and indicative of the tone and trend of his ministry.
James Battersby (1823-1899) was a High-Calvinist Anglican preacher. He served as Vicar of St. James’, Sheffield and was a regular preacher among the Strict Baptist churches of London.