The Life And Ministry Of Edward Blackstock
Earthen Vessel 1852:
Notice Of Edward Blackstock’s Death
The Late Mr. Blackstock
Another servant of Christ is gone home. In the early part of September, 1852, Mr. Blackstock departed this life. He had, for some few years past, preached Christ, and salvation by him, in Salem Chapel, not far from Fitzroy Market; and there he quietly finished his course. Many that have heard him to profit, and loved him for his work’s sake, regretted his apparent lack of decision for one of the leading ordinances in the New Testament church. As regards the essentials of gospel principle, and divine experience, he was unflinching. He preached, he lived, he rejoiced, he died in the faith. We are informed by brother Edgecombe (pastor of the Baptist church, Pent Side, Dover, who has been supplying Mr. Blackstock’s pulpit, since his death; and who preached his funeral sermon on Lord’s-fay evening, September 12th—which discourse we, in connexion with many others, earnestly hope our brother Edgecombe will publish)—that he left behind a testimony of the love and faithfulness of the Lord to his soul, exceedingly comforting to all his friends. Next month, if possible, we hope to be enabled to give further particulars. During the present month, sickness and death have been visiting our pulpits; some of th best men of our age are gone home; others of them are deep in the decline of life. Ages brethren in Christ! Your ministerial course is nearly finished! The Lord help you to be faithful unto death! And while you stand as one the margin of time, to be not forgetful to encourage some that are yet wading through deep waters; who are taking their degrees in the school of fiery trials; who many times seem to stand alone; and, almost faint by the way. May the prospect and foretaste of home, comfort the aged, stimulate and solemnize those in the prime of life, and excite a holy zeal and a habitual self-examination, in all who are coming forth in the work.

Edward Blackstock
Edward Blackstock (1791-1852) was a Particular Baptist preacher. He nurtured high views of sovereign grace, but subscribed to an open communion table. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at (1) Market-Drayton, Shropshire; (2) Potton, Wolverhampton; (3) Gower Street, London; (4) Salem Chapel, Fitzroy Square.