The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Stennett
John Gadsby, “Memoirs Of The Principal Hymn-Writers And Compilers Of The 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries”:
Samuel Stennett was born at Exeter in or about 1727. He was the younger son of Dr. Joseph Stennett, who was many years pastor of the Baptist church at Exeter. Samuel is said to have been called by grace to a saving knowledge of the truth in early life. He was baptized by his father when very young, and became a member of the church in Little Wild Street, London, to which place his father had removed in 1737. He received the degree of D.D. from the King’s College, Aberdeen. He had an opportunity of entering the Church of England under high patronage, but declined from principle. He took a large share in the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, those laws so unjust towards Dissenters. In 1758 he was appointed pastor of the church in Little Wild Street, as his father’s successor, having for some time before been his assistant. The death of his wife greatly afflicted him, and seemed to deaden him to the world. He appeared to have no farther desire to live in it. Just before he was confined to his bed, he prayed earnestly in his family, “that God might give him an easy passage out of life;” and God granted him that which he requested. Some vinegar and other ingredients being given him as a gargle for his throat, he said, with great emotion, “And in his thirst they gave him vinegar to drink; when I reflect upon the sufferings of Christ, I am ready to say, What have I been thinking of all my life? What he did and suffered are now my only support.” And referring to the Socinian tenets, he said, “What should I do now if I had only such opinions to support me? His speech was taken away some hours before his departure. He died Aug. 24th, 1795.
Samuel Stennett (1727-1795) was a Particular Baptist preacher and hymn writer. In 1758, was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Little Wild Street, London, a position he held for thirty-seven years. He was the son of Joseph Stennett (previous pastor of Little Wild Street) and the grandson of Joseph Stennett (pastor of a Particular Baptist church meeting at Pinner’s Hall, London).