The Life And Ministry Of Wilson Milbourne
Earthen Vessel 1890:
The Late Wilson Milbourne, Baptist Minister
Our late dear friend and brother, Wilson Milbourne, we knew well, and very highly esteemed him for his faithful adherence to the gospel of Christ, which he dearly loved. As a preacher of Christ he was solemn, savoury, and intelligent. Also
“Affectionate in look,
And tender in address as well becomes
A messenger of grace to guilty men.”
In Sunday-school work he always appeared at home and happy, and his addresses to the young were generally appreciated as being interesting and instructive.
Through the great kindness of our good friend, Mr. John Prior, of Hampstead Road, and the Misses Milbourne, we are favoured to give the annexed brief outline of the ministerial career of our deceased brother.
Mr. Wilson Milbourne was a native of Carlisle, and first saw nature’s light on January 1st, 1821. We are not in possession of any account of his childhood days, but he appears to have been called early in life to forsake the world and sin, and to cry to the Lord for mercy. He saw baptism, and was immersed when about twenty years of age.
In the year 1840, he was divinely impressed with the felt necessity of publicly testifying his love to Christ, in the interest of precious souls, and preached his first sermon at Meopham, in Kent. For many years Mr. Milbourne stood a worthy member of the Church at Salem, Wilton Square, New North-road, under the pastorate of our dear brother, Mr. William Flack; and in the Sabbath-school connected with Salem, he officiated as superintendent.
About 13 years ago he became a member of the Church at Mount Zion, Chadwell Street, Clerkenwell, under the able ministry of Mr. John Hazelton, of blessed memory. Several years later on he accepted the pastoral charge of the Church at Horsham, which honourable position he successfully held for about four years, and which he resigned six years since.
For the last two years of his life he preached at various places, and was always well received as a preacher of Christ. His last discourse was delivered at Norwood. He peacefully fell asleep in Jesus, June 10th 1889. and now his happy spirit drinks full draughts of bliss at the fountain head of life.
“Wrapt round him like a sunlit halo,
Is the grand vision of the face of Christ.”
Mr. and Mrs. Prior had walked in loving fellowship with our deceased brother for forty years, and often accompanied him in years past to Gower Street Chapel to listen to such godly and eloquent preachers as Messr. Philpot, Taylor, Hemmington, Godwin, Samuels and others.
Wilson Milbourne (1821-1889) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1840, he preached his first sermon at Meopham, Kent. He was a member of the church meeting at Salem, Wilton Square, New North-road, under the pastoral ministry of William Flack. In 1876, he became a member of Mount Zion, Chadwell Street, under the pastoral ministry of John Hazelton. In 1879, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Hosham, a position he held for four years.