When We All Get To Heaven
2 Timothy 4:6-8: “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”
"Eliza Hewitt (1851-1920) was born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 28, 1851. She was educated in the Public Schools of that city and after graduation from the Girls’ High School, obtained a position as teacher. This career was cut short by the development of a spinal malady, which caused her to be a shut-in sufferer for many years. In course of time, a gradual improvement came about, and during a slow convalescence, the study of English literature, as in school-girl days, was her great delight. Wishing to be helpful to her Church, she wrote poems for its primary department, some of which attracted the attention of Prof. Jno. R. Sweney, at one time chorister of that church. However, writing did not fill all her desires for usefulness in the Master’s service, and it has been her privilege for some years, to be engaged in primary Sunday School work, and to take an active part in the Philadelphia Elementary Union. At present, she is Superintendent of the primary department of the Calvin Presbyterian church. There is no place where she is happier than in her beloved primary room, surrounded by her bright young teachers and loving scholars. In connection with this work, Miss Hewitt has contributed to various Sunday school periodicals, providing for the Reformed church its Golden Text stories and lesson suggestions. Miss Hewitt’s hymns are the result of inspiration, the origin of which, to her, is often mysterious; she has never cared to keep a record, but their number is known to have passed into the thousands. The hymn, “Sunshine In My Soul,” was given wings, and circled the globe, coming back to its author with many beautiful stories of its use. The same is true of other of her hymns. Among the most popular have been, “Sunshine In My Soul,” “Will There Be Any Stars?” “Stepping in the Light,” “Not One Forgotten,” “More About Jesus,” “The Very Same Jesus.” It was a glad day when Miss Hewitt met Fanny Crosby and their mutual love is a joy to both. During a visit to the Indians of the Onondaga Reservation, she was adopted into their tribe, and this relationship has led to unique and pleasant experiences. “After all, what hymns are so dear to us as the old church favorites? In looking over my life, would humbly and gratefully say: ’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.”—Charles Gabriel, “The Singers and Their Songs”
Eliza Hewitt Hymn Studies