God’s Absolute Authority
Kevin Price was raised in a non-christian home, in the Lake District. However, he began a personal search for the truth in his mid-teens. Whilst in school, and largely through his own searching of the Scriptures, he was brought to faith in Christ at the age of 16. Kevin felt an early call to the ministry. Upon turning 18, in fact, the very week school had finished, he began to preach among the Pentecostal churches. During the 1970’s and 80’s, Kevin pastored a Pentecostal church at Windermere in the Lake District. He not only ministered the Word of God during the regular preaching services, he was also involved in the youth work and street evangelism. Having been led by the Lord to reexamine his understanding of the Scriptures, Kevin underwent a ‘theological turn-around’. He became the pastor of a church in Kendal during which time he gradually moved towards the Doctrines of Grace. He committed himself to the work at Kendal for 21 years, wherein he was also able to study for a degree in Theology. More recently, Kevin has taken the oversight of a Strict Baptist congregation in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Although he lives in the Lake District, and regularly serves the Bradford congregation throughout the year, he nevertheless manages a busy schedule as a itinerant preacher that takes him to various parts of the UK and abroad. He has also agreed to serve as the Minister with oversight of a Strict Baptist church in Kensington, London. Kevin is a single man, and his friends are not timid to inform him that no wife would tolerate his hectic lifestyle!
Kevin Price Sermons