Gordon Hawkins was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. For the last 38 years of his life, he served as the Pastor of Wattisham Strict Baptist Chapel in Suffolk, England. The Lord took him home, suddenly and without warning, on 11 January 2003, at the age of 78. He was widely known and deeply respected by fellow gospel ministers and believers around the world. After his passing, the saints at Wattisham recorded in their minute book the affection they nurtured for their beloved pastor:
“Our pastor gave us over 38 years of consistent and undeviating scriptural instruction, which has had a profound effect upon the spiritual character of this church. The teaching and precepts of Scripture were applied to our hearts and Hues. We were encouraged to take responsibility for ourselves and to walk in holiness and in the fear of the Lord, to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our pastor was a living testimony of what he preached, giving us an example of godly living, personal holiness and spiritual desires. We mourn the loss of a pastor who gave himself to his office and was a real shepherd of his flock.” In Janet Lovell’s book, “All of Grace”, which recounts the history of Wattisham Strict Baptist Chapel, it is written of Mr. Hawkins’ preaching: “Through over 38 years, systematic and reinforcing biblical teaching had a nourishing, encouraging and challenging effect on the hearers.The doctrine never deviated, in spite of the rapid decline of adherence to biblical truth nationally. The sovereign will of Cod in His majesty, the glorious gospel of redeeming love, the love and sympathetic involvement of Christ for His people in this world, heaven (where the Christian’s citizenship is) and the return of Christ in triumphant glory to this world with its resultant consequences, were all recurring themes. Gordon Hawkins often followed the line of argument of the apostle Peter,”seeing … these things” be so, “what manner of persons ought ye to be”, and the ministry was applied practically to Christian and non-Christian. One particular practical help to many was biblical teaching on marriage and the family.”
Gordon Hawkins Sermons