The Free Offer Of The Gospel
Mr. Charles Breed was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as the Pastor of Wellesley Street Strict Baptist Chapel, Manor Park, Stepney (1925-1945). He also served as the Principal of the Strict Baptist Bible Institute (1947-1962). Ernest Kevan, the first Principal of London Bible College, believed Mr. Breed was one of the sharpest theologians of his generation.
Philip Grist, writing for the Strict Baptist Historical Society, gives the following account of Mr. Breed:
“On the surface, he appeared to be rather austere and distant. That was not true. He was extremely deaf, a condition brought on by a very traumatic incident in his life. Behind the outward austerity was a very warm man. He loved children and they loved him. His Sunday School anniversary addresses are memorable. He kept children spell-bound. His student criticisms were always fair and gracious. Indeed, I found him a great encourager. He possessed a remarkable memory. Most of his sermons were preached without notes and all who remember Charles Breed will never forget his conclusions. At one Fellowship Of Youth Rally at St.John’s Wood there was apparently complete silence for at least a couple of minutes as the congregation reflected on the powerful evangelistic call. Mr. Breed had a wealth of stories, many being quite hilarious. However, he could be severe because he believed in respect and discipline. His own life was very disciplined. Because of his logical mind, few people could argue against Mr. Breed!”
Mr. Breed went home to be with the Lord in August 1967.
Charles Breed Sermons