Common Grace
Some of the points covered in this sermon:
• The correct view of common grace as it relates to creation
• The false view of common grace as it has been appropriated to redemption
• The false view of “Christ’s atonement sufficient for all, but efficient to those who believe”
• The false view of a twofold atonement—one that is potential, hypothetical and passive; the other that is actual, real and active
• The heresy of decisional regeneration—sinner’s prayer, altar calls, etc.
• The heresy of duty-faith—that it is the saving and/or moral duty of the unregenerate to believe on Christ
• The heresy of the free-offer—that the gift of God in Christ must be offered to the unregenerate, that they may have the opportunity to receive/reject Christ
• The threefold grouping of Arminians, Moderate-Calvinists and Hyper-Calvinists
• The correct view of sovereign grace as it relates to the elect and the non-elect
• Responding to the false doctrine of common grace unto salvation
• Responding to the heresy of decisional regeneration
• Responding to the heresy of duty-faith
• Responding to the heresy of the free-offer
• A final exhortation to preach a full and free gospel to all regenerate and unregenerate sinners
Jared Smith served twenty years as pastor of a Strict and Particular Baptist church in Kensington (London, England). He now serves as an Evangelist in the Philippines, preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training gospel preachers.
Jared Smith's Online Worship Services
Jared Smith's Sermons
Jared Smith on the Gospel Message
Jared Smith on the Biblical Covenants
Jared Smith on the Gospel Law
Jared Smith on Bible Doctrine
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Jared Smith's Hymn Studies
Jared Smith on Eldership
Jared Smith's Studies In Genesis
Jared Smith's Studies in Romans
Jared Smith on Various Issues
Jared Smith, Covenant Baptist Church, Philippines
Jared Smith's Maternal Ancestry (Complete)